23 - Hurt

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They were all sat in the communal bay when the ship took off the following day. Sung had offered to be in the control room with Nad for support, but Nad had told him quite plainly that he wanted to be alone. Meouch was the only one not present; he'd been spending an unusual amount of time in his room lately.

The ship shook slightly as Nad lifted them off the forest floor. Just like the seats in the control room, straps shot across their laps from the chairs - a precautionary measure from Nad. Eventually the weightlessness of space took over and they stopped shaking and the straps slipped away again. Sung relaxed in his seat, oddly at ease considering where they were headed. They didn't have a map of any kind but Sung supposed that Nad would just know where to go.

"So, we're really doing this?" Widget said, breaking the silence with a raised eyebrow.

"Yep. No turning back now," Sung replied with a smirk.

"Welp, it was nice knowing you fellas." The mechanic chuckled dryly.

"We haven't lost yet, Widget," Sung pointed out, "We've got a real chance here."

"You guys, maybe, but me? I can barely walk on my own, how'd ya expect me to hold my own on the battlefield? I'll be dead in seconds, just you wait."

"If that's the case, why did you agree to help us?" wondered Phobos.

"Dunno. Got nothin better to do. It's not like you schmucks are actually gonna win this, so I might as well go out in style."

Widget slumped in his seat slightly, and Sung couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was acting like they didn't even have a chance! Sung frowned, standing up suddenly. Widget looked up at the doctor warily. "Hey bucko, I-I didn't mean to insult ya. I just don't see how I'll be of any use."

"I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner. Follow me."

Widget looked between Phobos, Havve and Brian, but none of them knew what Sung was up to. Phobos shrugged, gesturing for him to do what Sung said. The mechanic swallowed his unease and grabbed his crutches before pushing himself up to stand. Sung beckoned him as he turned and took off walking down the halls. Widget limped along as fast as he could to keep up with his determined pace.

"Um, w-where are we going?" he asked carefully.

Sung didn't answer as they continued walking, though Widget's questions were answered as Nad came into view, back to them and utterly focused on his controls. He was oddly dressed, still in his pyjamas from the previous night and apparently unconcerned about anything but the task at hand. Sung hadn't seen him eat anything since their shared bowl of ice cream, but he would worry about that later. He walked over and carefully touched the boy's shoulder to get his attention.

In an instant Sung found himself flung against the wall, feet lifted about two feet off the ground as Nad's glowing open palm was outstretched towards him. Bloodshot eyes seemed to stare right through him from beneath a mop of unkempt white hair until he blinked a few times and realised what he was doing. He released Sung, who slid down the wall to land heavily on his knees. With a wince he stood up, being watched carefully by a very guilty looking Nad.

"S-Sorry, you scared me, and then I thought-- I was trying to find the spiders, and I-I thought you were one of them for a second..."

"It's fine, I shouldn't have startled you," Sung waved him off, then clearing his throat, "Can I ask a favour, Nad?"


Sung beckoned Widget over, who was standing off to the side looking quite perplexed by what he'd just witnessed.

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