15 - DNA

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"We were so worried! You were gone for far longer than we thought you would be, and when Brian walked in with you over his shoulder... We're glad you're okay, Doctor."

"Thanks Phobos, I appreciate it..."

Sung picked at his food. He was feeling a lot better, but his appetite wasn't there and he couldn't stop thinking about it all. Apparently he'd only been out for a few hours, thanks to Nad who'd managed to give him a little boost with his gem. His sides still hurt from where Yzus had clawed at him, but they were patched up nicely enough and would heal quickly, he was sure. Outside it was dark. The group were having a later dinner, small as it was, but despite the circumstances there wasn't much to say. Phobos was trying to break the silence as best he could, but there was only so much he could say. Meouch was particularly quiet. Sung guessed he was feeling guilty about inadvertently giving Yzus the location of their craft, and honestly he couldn't help but feel a little bitter towards the lion. This could have been easily avoided if it wasn't for his loud mouth.

After a while Sung got bored of aimlessly pushing his food around his plate and got unsteadily to his feet. With a tired smile as goodnight he shuffled back to his room and closed the door behind him. He leaned back on it and rested his head back, closing his eyes and sighing. He hated this. This whole situation was horrible, and he felt so vulnerable in his current state. He wished they could just get back on their craft like nothing had happened and fly away from it all, just leave Yzus and all her stupid kind behind them.

He rubbed his face with a small groan before making the effort back to his bed. After that fight, his condition seemed to have been set back quite a lot. His muscles were considerably weaker again and he was reduced once more to a slow shuffle as a poor excuse for walking. It was frustrating, especially since he'd been making progress.

One good thing, and probably the only good thing, to come out of today, however, was that Sung no longer felt so scared at the thought of sleeping. He'd practically blacked out from weakness and lived to tell the tale, so going to sleep on his own terms couldn't be the harrowing experience he'd imagined it to be. Not to mention he knew that rest would aid his recovery further. And so, despite his wide awake and worrying mind, Sung laid himself down and forced himself to close his eyes.

A cool and comforting breeze rolled through his open window. He imagined the night outside, probably even colder than he was feeling under the blankets. He imagined trees, their leaves quivering in the wind, and then he imagined a pair of pink eyes staring at him from behind them, and his eyes sprung open. Panting for breath he looked over at his window. A way in. Without hesitation he jumped up, ignoring the dizzy spell that hit him as he practically slammed the window shut and latched it.

"Sung?" came a quiet, timid voice from behind.

He spun around, eyes wide and probably looking crazy in alarm as his eyes adjusted in the darkness. His door was open, and Nad was stood there with his hands wringing together nervously in front of him. Seeing the dark and empty front room behind him Sung wondered how much time had actually passed since he laid down. Perhaps he'd actually managed to fall asleep briefly, and that was actually just a dream?

"Nad? What is it?" he muttered in reply.

"I had another nightmare, and I'm scared."

"Come over here, it's okay," Sung said, taking a seat back on his bed and beckoning the boy over.

Nad wasted no time in sitting down, and Sung found himself hugging him close, "Was it about the woods again?"

Nad nodded silently.

"Can... Can I sleep in here with you tonight? I don't want to be alone," he asked feebly.

"What about Brian?"

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