28 - Everywhere Vision

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"Nad, this isn't funny anymore. Come on, snap out of it. Come on, come on, come on..." 

Sung had been rambling something of that sort for the entire flight back to the ship, and as they plunged back into the control room. Nad was completely unresponsive. As established before, they couldn't fly the ship without him so, in short, they were toast.

"Sung, what do we do?" asked Meouch, trying to stay cool but obviously panicking.

Sung's mouth hung open, void of an answer.

"I... I don't know," he admitted.

"Well we gotta get outta here!" chimed in a very alarmed Widget, "Can't we just take the shuttles?"

"N-No, we'd have no supplies. We... We'd be running from them until we starved to death, we-- what do we do?!"

Sung started turning on the spot, eyes searching frantically for something, anything. There had to be something they could do. His eyes landed on the control panel. He knew it was hopeless, but what other option was their?

Hefting Nad off his shoulder, he passed the boy to Havve. He wasn't unconscious. No, his eyes were open, he was awake, but he didn't seem all there. He'd figure out what to do later if they got out of this alive. "Take him somewhere safe. Widget, go with them."

The two left the control room, and Sung turned back to the panel. He stepped up to it, reaching out to touch it warily.

"Sung... what are you doing?" Meouch asked from behind him. "You know Nad is the only one who can fly the ship."

"I have to try something. I can't just do nothing, not now."

He placed his hand down on one of the pads that Nad usually used. Nothing. "Maybe I need to... touch both of them?" He did that, and-- nothing.

"It's not going to work, Sung," said Meouch sadly.

But what other options do we have? This was my last idea, there's nothing else!

"It... It has to! What else can we do?"

Heat bubbled beneath Sung's fingers suddenly, and he jumped back. He stared, amazed, at the glowing imprints left by his hands on the pads, already fading. Meouch gasped.

"Put your hands back! Quick!"

As apprehensive as he was, Sung did as he was told. As he watched, the pads' light swelled beneath his hands, leaking through the molded structures into the rest of the control panel, like a luminous liquid running through thin currents to create intricate swirling patterns on its surface. It was beautiful. Sung moved one of his hands, sliding it ever so slightly forward on the pad, and just like that the ship jolted. He heard Meouch stumble behind him and curse, but Sung found himself rooted to the spot. He might've smiled if it wasn't for the imminent danger they were in. They had to get away, and fast, so he needed to focus and figure out how this thing worked. He shifted his hands experimentally, feeling the ship tilt and turn, but whatever drove it forward didn't seem to be working. "Sung, what're you waiting for?" Meouch interjected his thoughts, agitated.

"I can't make it go," he admitted, casting a glance over his shoulder. "These pads only seem to be for direction."

"But Nad just uses them. What else do you need?"

In an instant Sung flung himself away from the control panel and shot off in pursuit of Havve. The blue sparks lead him in the right direction, and in no time he had caught up with the white robot. Widget, hearing his approach, turned around in alarm.

"Sung?" he exclaimed, "What's wrong? D-Did they get in?!"

"Havve, I need Nad's gem! NOW!" Sung barked frantically, holding out his hand.

Between the Black and Grey (Starlight Brigade AU)Where stories live. Discover now