5 - Spiders

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The sound of millions of scuttling feet surrounded him, whatever made them hidden in shadows. They taunted him, jabbing him from every direction and causing him to spin around wildly trying to see them until he started to lose his balance. Stepping backwards his foot caught on something he tripped. He fell to the ground with a sickening crunch. Confused, he looked over his shoulder to see what he had landed on.

The floor writhed with insects, large and black. They started to crawl over him, covering his body like a thick blanket while unseen vines reached from the soil to coil around his limbs to detain him. The more he struggled, the tighter they became. Hundreds of pink glowing eyes now stared at him - the owners of the scuttling feet. They whispered unknown dialects, though he knew that they were talking to him, taunting him as he lay helpless.

Finally he let out a scream, and the insects scrambled into his open mouth, suffocating him from within.

Sung awoke with a start, not knowing how much time had passed. He was drenched in a cold sweat and shaking, odd considering he had never suffered nightmares before. In the dimly lit room the only source of light came from the gemstone at his bedside. Taking deep breaths to calm his racing heart Sung looked over at it, surprised to see it moving. It was vibrating, light swelling with some kind of energy. Looking at it sent a wave of dizziness through Sung and he had to turn away. Without looking he grabbed it and stuffed it into his pocket before standing up and stretching. His knees felt somewhat weak and his dream still had him on edge, but he pushed the thought away as he changed into some fresh clothes and left his chambers. He decided his first port of call would be the infirmary, then maybe some food.

When he walked in the roles had switched and Brian was the one asleep. He'd taken the offer of a bed after all, though Sung raised an eyebrow when he saw he was sitting up.

"Brian always sleeps like that. It's normal," Nad said idly.

"It doesn't look comfortable at all," Sung commented with an amused smile as he walked over to Nad's bedside and pulled up a chair that was propped against the wall, "How are you feeling?"

Nad blinked in surprise before averting his eyes from Sung, looking uncomfortable.

"I'm.... okay."

"Are you sure? You seem troubled."


Sung sighed as Nad trailed off and fell silent. He wondered if his lack of memory was bothering him again.

"You know, I'm not a mind reader."

"What?" Nad frowned, confused.

"I don't know what you're thinking. So, if there is something wrong, I won't know unless you tell me. And if you don't tell me, I can't help you."

"I told you, there's nothing wrong. I'm sure it was just a stupid dream..."

Sung's interest peaked and he raised his eyebrows curiously.

"You had a dream?" he urged Nad.

"It was more of a nightmare, actually."

"What was it about, if you don't mind my asking?"

Nad's mind had so far proven extremely blank, but perhaps his subconscious held more information? It was worth a shot.

"It was- there were spiders, o-or something like that. I don't like spiders. They were all over me!" The boy shuddered, rubbing his arms lightly at the memory.

"S-Spiders?" repeated Sung, his mouth suddenly dry as he remembered his own nightmare - it had to be a coincidence.

"Yeah, they were all big and black! Have you ever seen a spider?"

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