10 - Sacrifice

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With the severity of the turbulence of the craft Sung knew it was too dangerous to float, so he left his suit's gravity on and settled for scrambling through the halls like an unsteady infant on a sugar rush. It wasn't graceful but he eventually reached the cockpit. As he reached to open it the craft gave its most violent jerk yet, and he was sent flying to the side. With a frustrated and pained groan he pushed himself up and tore open the door.

Bracing himself against the doorframe Sung saw Phobos in the pilot's chair, frantically pressing buttons and trying to steer them out of whatever danger they were in.

"Doctor! I think we're being targeted by another craft! I need you here now!" he yelled desperately into his radio, then cursing as it remained unresponsive.

"Phobos, I'm here! What is it?" Sung announced himself, stumbling forward to look out of the window to see if he could spot anything.

"I-I don't know! The sensors are picking up another vessel, but... I can't see anything! Doctor, I don't know what to do!"

Sung felt a pang of sympathy for his crew mate; he was the newest member of their brigade, beside himself. He'd never experienced an attack like this before.

"Have you radioed Meouch? He's the most experienced flier," Sung suggested.

Phobos shook his head.

"My radio is down, I can't contact anyone! I think this vessel- whatever it is, has done something. None of our communications are working. We-We're completely alone!"

"Okay, okay, here's what we'll do: hold on here for as long as you can, I'll go and find Meouch to take over," Sung decided, and Phobos nodded, fearfully silent as the craft jolted again.

Sung wasted no time in taking off again. He tried his radio but found the same crackled results. Phobos was right. He took a deep breath and powered on to Meouch's chambers, hoping the feline was simply napping and oblivious to the situation, not something worse.

He reached it and didn't waste time with manners, sliding the door open without knocking. Sure enough he found his crew mate curled up in his blankets, deeply asleep as was common with him. Sung shook him roughly and watched as he blinked open his eyes, disoriented.


"We're under attack. I need you to get to the cockpit and try to fly us out of this mess," Sung instructed, getting to the point.

"Wait, what? You're joking, right?"

"I'm afraid not. Now come on, get up!"

He turned to leave when Meouch called behind him.

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to find Havve, you just focus on getting us out of harm's way!"

Havve didn't have any chambers, not needing sleep. He usually roamed the craft on a sort of watch, though if needed he powered down somewhere safe. It would be a task to find him without working communication, but Sung knew that Havve would give them better chances of surviving this attack. The rest of them may be rusty at battle, but Havve was built to fight.

Sung called the robot's name as he stumbled through the ever tilting and jerking craft, breathing heavily as he fought to stay calm in the situation. If anyone could get them away safely, it was Meouch, but so far the attacks were only getting worse. Pipes and paneling creaked all around, screaming at Sung an auditory countdown of how much longer the vessel could hold itself together. She was a sturdy craft, that was true, but this assault was really testing her. The only thing Sung knew was that he had to find Havve, and quick.

Between the Black and Grey (Starlight Brigade AU)Where stories live. Discover now