26 - Flickering

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The green glare of the triangle's interior grew more intense the closer they got. It was unnatural, emitting off every surface from within and, disturbingly, obscuring their view from what exactly they were flying towards. It was like a thick cloud. At the last second Sung spotted a flat black surface: a floor, and attempted to slow down.

Then, at the front of the pack, Nad's quaint white shuttle dematerialised, peeling out on itself from the front before it was completely gone into thin air, leaving Nad falling downwards into the triangle which apparently had an artificial gravity of its own. In the next instance the rest of their shuttles followed suit and Sung struggled to keep himself composed as his safety net was ripped from under him and he too found himself falling into the unknown green pit.

The drop was a lot higher than expected. Luckily for Sung, he managed to engage common sense early enough to remember to roll when he landed, preventing his legs from shattering beneath him. The others thankfully had the same idea, though Widget's was more of an unceremonious tumble which resulted in his gun slipping from his hand and sliding off to the other side of the green chamber.

He winced as Meouch helped him up, and as he went to retrieve his weapon Sung took a look at their surroundings.

Shiny, dark walls surrounded them on all sides, a green glow in the air like a fog around them. An acrid smell clung to the cloud and it was then that Sung realised that he was having trouble breathing. He hurried secured his air filter onto his face and saw Widget having the same idea in the corner of his eye. He would have secured it before landing, if it hadn't been for that unexpected fall.

"What is this place?" wondered Widget, a touch too loud for Sung's liking.

"Maybe it's their landing bay? I mean, if they even have shuttles," shrugged Meouch in a more hushed tone.

"Dunno bout you, whiskers, but I don't see any shuttles," pointed out Widget.

"It was just an idea."

Despite Nad's apparent authority in this situation, Sung took the lead; he didn't want to put Nad in danger if he could help it. He had promised not to let him get hurt, and even if Nad had been mid panic attack when he did he still had no intention of breaking it. Tension filled the green air. Sung felt sick in the pit of his stomach, clutching his gun tightly at the ready as they left the chamber into a long stretch of corridors. Unlike Nad's ship, these corridors were practically single file, perfectly straight and intersected in a grid pattern. It was a maze. An eerily quiet maze, their combined footsteps too loud no matter how carefully they stepped.

They must have walked for half an hour when Widget started to get restless. 

"Where is everyone? I thought we'd be swimming in freaks by now," he complained, letting his gun swing by his side as he walked.

"Maybe they know we're here already..." offered Phobos a little fearfully.

"I wouldn't put it past them, but we'll be ready if they have anything planned," Sung assured. "Now be quiet."

"Why? It's not like there's anyone here!"

Sung glared over his shoulder at Widget, but didn't get a chance to chastise him when Meouch suddenly paused. The feline's ears were pricked, and slowly the fur on his back began to bristle. His nose twitched, and then his entire body froze up.

"Whatever you do, don't look up."

"What-- AH!"

Widget, ever the comic, decided it was a good idea to do exactly that. Once the damage was done the others couldn't help but follow his example, and his scream made sense. Hundreds, maybe even thousands, pink eyes blinked down at them. Then, without warning, random jets of light flew from Widget's gun up at the ceiling as he screamed unintelligible profanities at the completely unphased spiders. 

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