13 - Intruder

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Another sleepless night later and Sung was shuffling out of his room into the scarcely furnished front room of their lodging. Everyone else was already up and eating, and all heads turned in Sung's direction in surprise.

"Oh, you're up. We saved some for you," Phobos greeted warmly, gesturing to a plate of food ready at an empty spot at the table.

Sung gave a weak, tired smile and walked over. He didn't mention the fact that he'd in fact been up all night. Despite that he did feel a little stronger than yesterday, and he'd had time to mull over Meouch's confession. He avoided the lion's eye pointedly and tucked into his breakfast without a word to anyone.

"What are we doing today?" Nad asked after a while.

"Well, I'm going to start working on Havve's eye, now I've got the replacement," said Meouch.

"I'm going to take a look at the craft."

Sung's tone was flat and he didn't look up from his meal. He heard a tense silence fall over the group, and knew they weren't expecting that.

"What? Why?" exclaimed Meouch in confusion.

"Because, after your little stunt yesterday I have a bad feeling, and I want to check it out."

Perhaps it was tiredness, but Sung's fuse was short today. He risked a glaring glance up at Meouch to see him looking sheepish, taking another bite of his food to hide his embarrassment.

"Can I come with?"

Sung looked up again to raise an eyebrow at Nad sat across from him. His plate was clean and he was staring at Sung, keeping eye contact almost desperately. There was something so pleading in his expression that made Sung unable to refuse. He smiled and felt his sour mood sweeten slightly.

"Sure, we can see how the repairs are coming along."

"Okay! I'll go get dressed!" Nad jumped up from his seat and ran happily into his room, the desperation leaving his face almost instantly.

Sung went to finish his breakfast quickly so they could get going. As he picked up his and Nad's dishes to wash, however, he felt a tap on his shoulder from behind and turned around. Brian stared back at him, frowning as always. He didn't move, and Sung wondered what he wanted. He tried shuffling back a bit awkwardly but the masked man maintained his stare flawlessly. One awful minute later and Nad returned and rolled his eyes at Brian.

"Come on, Brian, stop teasing him! Of course you can come along, right Sung?"

Oh, is that all he wanted?

"Uh, yeah, that's fine."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Nad exclaimed, jumping a little so that his newly tamed bedhead bounced.

Sung chuckled, shaking his head before making his way to the door.

"Hey, Sung?"

He paused, looking back at Meouch but not fully turning his body. "I... really hope I haven't caused any trouble."

"So do I, Commander."

Without another word he lead Nad and Brian outside. Pink clouds streaked the sky; it was cooler than yesterday. Sung shivered a little and did up his jacket.

The three of them silently made their way off of the property, walking in their own footsteps to a familiar looking and lonely transport stop by the road. Not long after the bulky and person-filled vehicle pulled up, and they boarded. This time Sung stood for the journey, staring idly out of the window and trying not to lose his balance whenever the vehicle jerked. Closing his eyes briefly he couldn't help but imagine himself back on the craft, stumbling in flickering lights and being so afraid that he could hardly think, but not showing it because that wasn't who he was. Doctor Sung didn't get scared.

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