3 - Nad

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Safely back on the craft, Sung gazed thoughtfully at the casualty laying asleep in their infirmary, hooked up to a machine that read his vitals and displayed a slow heartbeat. His clothes were hung up on a rack off to the side, replaced by bandages over a disturbing number of nasty cuts and a loose, white gown that now covered him, along with a blanket on the bed he lay. He also had a broken leg, but Sung hoped it would heal with time.

They'd managed to detain the masked figure, who had grown violent again when separated from its friend. Thus far it had stayed silent, not uttering a word and not answering any of Sung's burning questions. Looking at the white haired figure he hoped they could gather more information from him when he woke up. He was fairly young, and a species Sung had never come across before - but not like that was unusual.

He reached into his pocket, carefully pulling out the gemstone that they'd taken from the masked figure. The thread that had hung it around its neck was snapped, but that could be easily replaced. The gem itself was smooth, faintly glowing and diamond shaped. Its surface was cold to the touch. Sung turned it over in his hands before pushing it back into his pocket and walking towards the door. With one last look at the bed he left, pressing his hand to the sensor to lock it behind him.

"Have you picked up any more distress signals?" he asked Meouch still in the cockpit as he made his way down the hall.

"Nothing so far. The planet's surprisingly dormant considering half of its crust was almost split apart."

Now that debris was no longer coming their way, Sung had decided they should orbit the planet to check for any other people in need of rescuing. So far the results were negative.

"Yeah... There weren't any lifeforms close by. I wonder where they all went."

"It's possible they evacuated by craft," pointed out Meouch.

"Maybe. Has Phobos had any more luck with our guest?"

"Apparently it's still putting up a fight."

Sung frowned, heading for where they were holding it. He nodded to Havve stood outside the door, seemingly keeping watch before walking inside. Phobos waved to him, then looking back to the figure in front of him, arms tied behind its back at secured to a ring on the wall. It wasn't the hospitality Sung and his crew liked to give, but by the way it thrashed and kicked at them they had little choice.

"Have you found out anything else from it?" Sung asked hopefully.

"I know that it's male," shrugged Phobos, and Sung raised an eyebrow.

"What, did you check?"

"No! I thought I could calm him down by asking some simpler questions, and then prompt more useful information," Phobos protested.

"Well, did it work?"

"Not exactly. He only responds to yes or no questions, and reluctantly at that. I can't even ask his name."

Sung looked back at him, pulling against the ring he was bound to. His cold blue eyes burned with frustration and the tight black suit that hugged his body showed rippling muscles that were probably aching to punch something.

"He wasn't like this when we first found him," Sung observed. "He only started resisting when we took his friend to the infirmary..."

To his surprise the figure's eyes suddenly grew wide. He halted for a moment before pulling on the chains even more frantically. Something clicked in Sung's mind and he almost smiled.

"Are you worried about your friend?" he asked curiously.

He nodded eagerly. So, that was what had him so agitated.

Between the Black and Grey (Starlight Brigade AU)Where stories live. Discover now