4 - Black Vines

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Sung's heart soared at the news. He quickly left the infirmary so Nad wouldn't hear him talking and stood outside.

"Is he calmer now?" he asked Phobos.

"Not much. He seemed surprised that I knew his name at least."

Now Sung had a decision to make. Not only did he doubt how safe Brian was to release, but Nad's mental state was also worrying. There were huge gaps in his memory; he even had troubles remember his own name. Then again, maybe something familiar was just what he needed to patch those gaps up. 

"Bring him to the infirmary, but bring Havve too in case things get out of control," he decided.

"Okay, Doctor."

Sung walked back into the infirmary, unsurprised to see Nad in much the same condition. The boy's head jerked up as the door opened and he shrank away when Sung came over to him.

"I want Brian..." he muttered feebly.

"Well, it's your lucky day, Nad; he's coming here as we speak," Sung replied, trying to be cheery to lighten the mood again.

Nad's eyes instantly grew wide and his sobbing ceased for a second time. He sprung up into a sitting position.

"Really? You're not lying, he's okay?" he cried excitedly.

"Why would I lie? I don't want you to be scared, Nad. We're trying to help you."

"Well, I just thought that he was... after I...." The boy's eyes became suddenly distant.

"After you what? Nad?"

The boy shook himself, causing luscious white locks to cover his face for a moment before he brushed them away. His blank expression morphed into an innocent smile and he turned his attention to the door expectantly, troubles apparently forgotten.

"I can't wait to see him!"

Sure enough the infirmary door slid open then, and a face popped in. Sung smiled over at Phobos, meanwhile Nad's face fell and he looked betrayed and confused. Sung nodded to Phobos, giving him the okay to bring Brian in. He stepped inside, beckoning for someone to follow. Havve's heavy metallic body plodded in next holding a sort of chain, and attached to the end walked the dark masked figure. He seemed to still be trying to resist, but then Sung saw his cold blue eyes train on Nad, and he froze entirely. A chilled silence filled the room.

Then, like a ticking time bomb finally reaching zero, Nad exploded.


His screams awakened a new energy in the masked man as he became animated, pulling once more on the chain. At a curt nod from Sung, Havve released him, and with lightning speed Brian ran to the bedside, wrapping Nad up in a tight, protective squeeze. Sung smiled as he saw more tears leak from Nad's eyes, happy this time. When Brian at last stepped back after what could have been several minutes his eyes traveled down Nad's body, noting the bandages and gown he was dressed in. His head snapped to the others in the room, hostility burning in his eyes. Nad grabbed his arm.

"No, Brian they're okay! They haven't hurt me!" he protested to his friend.

Brian locked gaze with Nad, his eyes softening some. He nodded after a moment of thought. Then, he turned purposefully to Sung and his crew mates. His harsh eyes stared unblinking between them, as if waiting for something.

"He's thanking you for helping me, though he still doesn't trust you," Nad piped up eventually.

"You can hear him speaking?" Sung asked, bewildered at the idea.

Between the Black and Grey (Starlight Brigade AU)Where stories live. Discover now