The Harem

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Ochako was surrounded by darkness. It was surprisingly warm, almost like a humid summer night. The back of her clothes felt wet from what she could guess, and she was sinking into one of those fancy water beds. She didn't feel uncomfortable, but all around her smelled like the girls' locker room after that time Aizawa-sensei had Todoroki-kun practice his fire. In Gym Gamma. Without the windows open.

Her mind groaned in indecision at the memory. While it wasn't pleasant, it was helpful to substitute the USJ, and seeing Deku have his costume cling to him was a treat. Too bad Bakugou took advantage of his sweaty hands and blasted in Deku's practice area. Rrrrrrrgh! Deku-kun may have said that the guy was getting better, but there has to be a line drawn!

She shuffled her body to try and vent out her frustration, but as she did so, whatever she was laying on shifted her back to her original spot. She wasn't tied down, but her body felt heavy, despite some rudimentary feeling of her body, she was sure she hadn't suffered...whatever the others contracted. She wouldn't admit it, but her own weight was an anxiety on her, what with having a slight muffin top since the year started. Her workouts with Gunhead's training and her determination from her fight with Bakugou let her slim up a bit.

Ochako had to chuckle that she still kept her mid-sized C-cups, even if she lost a bit of booty. That didn't matter for now; if Deku had a preference when they were both successful, then she'd try to adapt. Though... with how everyone else had appeared... maybe...?

"H...k! Sh...akin...p..."

The darkness began to brighten up as light shone around her.


Ochako squinted as her consciousness flickered at a bright light came through her eyelids. She honestly didn't want to wake up, but she suddenly felt a pair of lips on her cheek, then they parted and what felt like a second pair between them took their place. The slight stinging from the second lips made Ochako jolt awake. She quickly shot up in her soft cushion she was apparently laid on, looking to the smug face of Mina, her chubby cheeks parted in a toothy grin only just seen between thick plush lips.

"Hi-hi, Ochacha." she giggled.

Ochako flinched in panic, her last encounter unnerving her like back at the training camp.

Seeing the smaller girl's worry, Mina helped up her arms, causing them and her whole upper body to wobble and jiggle. "Hey, hey, easy easy! Everything is fine."

Her initial fear subsided, replaced by an impressive glower, eyeing the bouncing... jugs in between them. They were the only thing Ochako could call them. Each as big as her own body when she curled herself into a ball, like massive spheres of bubblegum. Pointing out at her were nipples the size of her fingertip on plump saucer-sized areolas, which were in a surprising contrast of bright green, looking like two halves of a lime. They were spread out by Mina's gut that she had laid on earlier, equal to both the jugs above in size, and while rounded, was undoubtedly soft, she couldn't see the pink girl's lower body as said, her gut was touching the seat that Ochako laid in. Said seat was having her sink in slowly. The gravity girl spread her hands in open fists, causing it to moan... wait a minute.

Ochako twisted her body and choked on her scream, seeing the seat was actually a person - "Tsuyu!" She only recognized her by her dark green hair.

"Ohayo, Ochako-chan." Tsuyu murmured out, her wide mouth appeared between swollen jowls with her head almost sinking along with her into her amazingly soft flab.

Similarly to Mina, Tsuyu's bloated body was uncannily soft and firm; it sort of reminded her of gel-like beds that she always saw on commercials or at the mattress store. She'd sleep in those things faster than you can say "Mochi". Tsuyu's breath made Ochako's neck tingle and her body recoil from the amount of heat that she felt was produced. If Ochako wasn't already in a cold sweat, she'd probably have felt the dampness, but she did get a whiff of the smell. It wasn't rancid, or even sweet. It just had an annoying familiarity.

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