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After a long ass conversation.
He practically dragged you through the backstreets, leading out into a mains shop area, he said he had learned many shortcuts to get away from the traffic. And traffic there was he was not kidding.
With all that being said you finally took your first step out of the alleyway to be greeted by the flashing lights of adverts.
"I thought you hated this place?" You asked looking at Spamton who's smile looked very forc
"Oh I do, but the faster we get it done the faster we can get the fuck out of here," he says remaining "cheerful".
After a while you reached the entrance to an abandoned subway.
"So why can't you go down there to get whatever it was?" You asked while Spamton grabbed out a case.
"Let's just say I had a...rather sketchy customer I'd rather not show my face to," he says handing you the case.
You heard sirens in the distance, without warning Spamton bolted for the nearest alleyway.
"IF YOUR NOT BACK IN 10 ILL COME GET YA!" He says whist running.
You gulp.

Welp... here's to the depths of hell.

This was not a negotiation you wanted to make. A large black wolf with blue eyes in a nirvana shirt stood above you with a smaller white dog sitting on the table. The larger canine was holding a mossberg pump.
Y'know What Spamton I can see why you didn't show.

"Where's Spamton?" The wolf asked in a gravelly voice.
"He couldn't make it and sent me," You explain calmly despite the growing lump in your throat.
"Oh darling we are literally his only customers, explain. Now," he growled.
"He doesn't take kind to people holding a fucking gun and neither do I," You reply boldly.
The larger canine thought it over and sat down.
"Fair enough I suppose. He's living like a rat in a dumpster anyways, the Ambu-Lances don't get him first I guess, what will?!" It laughed cruelly.
You sigh, "well what you ordered is in the case now where's the money?" You asked.
The small white dog inspected it without touching a thing.
Man magic is werid...
It borked once before closing the case and taking the handle into its mouth.
"So the dumb fuck actually gives you real merchandise nice, I'll have to come by," the wolf muttered before the two got up.
"Can you tell me your name in case he sends you again?" The taller of the two asked.
"Y/n," You say calmly despite you shaking slightly.
"Devon, and that's Toby," The wolf says before turning to leave.
Toby gave two confirming borks before flying away spinning.

You shake slightly as a new light appeared.
The power of Fluffy Dogs shines within you.

DEAL OF THE CENTURY (Spamton X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now