They say

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They say life is a fleeting thing, that it flashed before your eyes before you die.
In life, so far, I've done horrible things, hurt people and try to justify to people worse than me but they will never see the world through a broken lens.
A lens that had fractured in the brain, allowing me to walk two worlds, and that's not scratching the surface of emotions that wrap the plagued mind of this author.
I do not blame you, if you decide to skip this, but be warned, I don't know if I will update this again for a very, very long time.

In my mom's death I have been awakened to the horrible human my father is, (if you could even call him that,) and have projected onto this book myself and my life experiences but where to hope to go from here too.
I have been told I'm useless and believed it.
Been called lazy and stayed that.
But in the very least I owned up to my sins.

I pray no blood be spilt on mine hand and that my kindness spread unto the world when I die, whether by illness, accident or choice.

But there is a story I've been longing to tell, to tell someone, and hope that it will be inspiration to those who are broken, beaten, mentally or physically handicapped, people who are shunned by what they are at birth and those who simply wish to be and nothing more.

I probably wasted your time, but if you are interested tell me via comments.
Because there may be a story worth writing.

A story where universes diverge all because a teenagers mind let a seed grow, into a beautiful tree. A tree, that starts inter-dimensional war.
I will likely discontinue the book after the next few chapters I write, Hell if I get to them, but know I will not give up on you, that there is someone in this dark world, who cares.

DEAL OF THE CENTURY (Spamton X Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant