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Spamton POV

The bar is the only joy I get now and even then it's not that fun anymore.

Addisons, especially younger ones, like to push my buttons and if they push em' tonight they are gonna regret it.

I sit at a stool and lay my head against the counter. Since I did the bartender a real solid I've been getting free drinks since. His son Devon was a pain in the neck and ran off once so I tracked him down for him. It's a small world.
He may look intimidating but he's the only person who's willing to talk to me now...god will she ever talk to me again?
"Hey, Spamton, bud, you look real bad this time, almost as bad as..." he stopped himself, he knew better not to bring it up since all the Addison's were in the bar today. He stopped cleaning the glass, then continued on.
I stay silent. What the fuck am I supposed to say? Oh yeah I hurt this girl I like and I'm being threatened again by him.
"Last time I saw that look it was on Devon when he was a lovesick puppy for that one..."
oh no.
I shake my head, but it's too late, he flashes a toothy grin and his tail begins wagging.
"By the queens legs you found someone didn't you?!"
"Maybe I did maybe I didn't," I scoff looking over at the Addison's playing pool with Nubert, they were losing.
"Oh come on! Tell me something!"
"Look, I don't wanna get into it, can you please drop the subject?" I ask, desperate to end it.
He loves gossip like the oh my god, how do you and the queen NOT get along type.
"Is she with someone else?" He asks.
"Nope, she hasn't said anything about it but she's been with me for, oh shit-,"
"HA HA! I KNEW YOU HAD IT IN YA SLUGGER!" He picked me up into a hug and messed with my mullet which got the attention of everyone in the bar briefly before they all went back to what they were doing.
"D-dude chill, she's not even into me-,"
"What and she's staying with you for the trash?" He says as he drops me back onto my seat.
"She's a lightner Diesel," he stopped.
"Oh..." he makes a hissing noise as he inhales. He leans in and whispered,
"So he's after you again?"
"Yeah, but I know no ones gonna be around to help this time and she doesn't know," I sigh.
"If you really want my advice, which you obviously came here for, I'd tell her,"
I go to input but he stopped me and said what I'd dreaded hearing from him.
"I mean everything, from the calls, to you loving her, if she really cares for you like I'd imagine, she'd have your back,"
I slump into the counter again.
"Hey," he says putting a paw on my shoulder.
"You need help you can call me and Devon ok?" He says sliding a napkin across the counter.

DEAL OF THE CENTURY (Spamton X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now