He calls from the void

901 52 8

The donairs were top notch, you had gotten a mix of chicken and beef while Spamton settled for a regular donair.
It felt so nice just to chill with the guy. He sat on a dumpster with one leg out and the other bent, just as one would on a couch. It felt almost natural that he'd vibe like that, then again, he lived in the trash for gods know how long.
You grimace slightly as you wrap up the rest of your donair for later.
"Something bothering you sweetheart?" He asked.
"...I've had a question on my mind for a bit," you began.
He quietly wrapped his food back up, the silence loud over the cars in the city somehow. He sat cross legged and looked attentive.
You finally asked Spamton the question you've been meaning to ask for awhile.

"So...how did you end up in the dump? I've been meaning to ask. You seemed real upset the other day-,"
You didn't expect him to answer so quickly...or honestly.
"It all started when I was younger...I was once shorter than the other addisons, both in height and in sales. No matter what I did the customers always declined, even though I was good at my job," he began.
"Over the years I grew annoyed and restless staying up all night on the phone, spam emailing people even but nothing worked, but no one denied I had skill, until he got into the equation,"
"I eventually was made fun of by my peers, and got a call one day. He promised me....help,"
You saw him shake and rise like something was controlling him.
"OW- [h-h-h-hyperlink blocked],"

He began to hold his head, the static filling his glasses again. But this time the alley seemed to get darker, and you were pulled into a battle.
You shiver as a voice called, distant and distorted, like static from a tv, yet you could feel the cold dead breath behind you.
*But there was nothing there*

"He belongs to me now,"


DEAL OF THE CENTURY (Spamton X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now