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Despite the last time you went with Spamton, you ended going to a subway you've been doing just fine so far.
He really just wanted to eat out, and you weren't gonna turn down some food. Even if he leaves you to pay.

"Welp! Here it is angel! Best. Donairs. Ever." He says with over exaggerated hand gestures. You chuckled and walked in after him, the aroma from the kitchen making you mouth water. This joint was fairly small and the kitchen was visible, two people were on the grill and...Devon?

He wore a small hat that he looked rather annoyed to be wearing along with a red and white apron. He carried in a small bucket of pickles in one hand and lettuce in the other, putting the buckets in respective holders at a window. It reminded you of a subway, but with donairs.

You nervously walk up to the counter with Spamton as Devon approached the counter to take your order.
"Ah well it's the deal maker and his employee, what can I get you two?" Devon greeted cheerfully his ears perking up.
You relax and both of you ordered before going to sit down.

"You know him?" Spamton asked.
"He was with your customer last night as extra muscle, and to be honest he kinda intimidates me,"you whispered.
"Well, no kidding you seem to be scared of like everyone," Spamton remarks.
You feel your cheeks heating up some reason.
"Well yeah, I'm a lightner remember?" You shot back huffing.
"Ehh, to each their own," Spamton shrugs, a loud yell accompanied by a small bell made you two jump.
"ORDER NINE!" Devon yells placing a paper bag on the counter.

You thank him as you and Spamton leave and retreat to an alley to eat your meal in peace without worrying about the cops.

DEAL OF THE CENTURY (Spamton X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now