The First Suspects

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William's funeral was three days later, enough time for Mrs Diaz to get out of the hospital, but the trauma was still there.

Ella Sabe-Diaz stared at her fiancé's coffin, her bright green eyes glimmered like emeralds with unshed tears.

She felt broken, numb, unable to respond to anyone who walked up to say. "I'm so sorry."

Unable to look at the closed coffin without visualizing the gory image.

The headless body, a bloody sledgehammer, and lots of blood.

Unable to do anything but wonder who could have been so cruel, and why?

Outside the church, Paul and Camila were there, Paul being comforted by Giovani and his partner David.

"I think you'd like to know that David, Bruce and I have your step-father's case, we'll find his killer in no time." He said.

"Thank you." replied Paul.

"Whoever it is, we'll catch and bring him or her to justice."

"Are Alex and Larry coming?" asked Camila.

"No, and you know why they won't come." Paul answered.

"Who said we aren't coming?" Said a voice behind him.

Paul turned around to see Alex and Larry standing there. They hugged him.

"We're here for you and your mom, not that son of a bitch." said Larry. Alex glared at him.

Giovani was surprised. "What?, I thought you all got along with Mr Silko."

David eyed them both. "Yeah, I'd like an explanation too."


A very angry, fat man walked into the station yelling, his round face red with anger.

Bruce Davenport sighed and got up after hearing him.

"Mr Clarke, for the umpteenth time, they're not here, please stop yelling and leave."

Daniel Clarke was a shady businessman, who ran a pub where Paul and Camila worked part time.

Alex and Larry used to work there but they quit on the grounds that Daniel Clarke always acted like a "Big, fat demon turd."

After that, Alex decided to start helping his mother at her diner 'Stark's'.

Camila was planning to quit too, but the pay was good, and medical school was anything but cheap, she also didn't want to leave Paul there alone so she had to stay.

"But where are they?" asked Clarke, relatively calm now. "I take a business trip and come back to find out that they haven't shown up to work for three days."

"Paul's step dad was murdered three days ago." informed Bruce. "They should be at his funeral."
Clark froze.

William Silko is dead?

Bruce looked up at Clarke who had been uncharacteristically quiet.

"Do you want the address?"

"No, I'll find it myself. Thank you, detective." He slowly made his way out.

Bruce Davenport gave him one last look before going back into his office, he wrote Clarke's name on a piece of paper.

"Its nothing, David." said Alex.
"Paul, Larry and I had a little argument with Will not so long ago, that's all."

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