Facing The Slayer

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"Ready?" Dr Karen Fellers asked.

Camila nodded.

After one week and four hypnotherapy sessions, Karen believed they were getting closer to piecing Camila's memories together.

That made no sense to Camila, though.

She still couldn't get past the place she stopped in the first session, as soon as the Slayer shows up, Camila would lose her composure and break out of the trance, and as a result of that, she felt nothing had been accomplished.

"You're putting a lot of pressure on yourself."
The psychiatrist told her.

"You won't remember anything if you're tensed up. That's why I tell you to relax before our sessions. It will all come back, eventually. Slowly, but it will."

With those words on her mind, Camila closed her eyes and followed Karen's instructions.

Camila starts to give the same blow-by-blow explanation.

After she explained the part about her phone call with Julian, Dr Fellers stopped her.

"Camila, before you go on, I want you to know that the things you're seeing are just memories, the slayer can't hurt you, no one can. You're safe. Take a deep breath.....Now let it out. Good, are you ready?"


Karen nodded. "Go on."

"So now I'm running or jogging." She continued.
"I can see Julian. I'm waving but he can't see me-"

Camila's breath hitched, making the doctor sit up.

"Keep going. Take deep breaths and tell me what you see."

Camila started breathing in and out, though she was still scared.

Karen looked pleased.

This is it. She thought.

Today, Camila will face the Slayer.


Lara burst into Giovani's office, startling the detective.

"Listen, lady! I don't give a shit if you're rich, you knock before entering my office!"

Lara narrowed her eyes at him.
"Geez, what crawled up your ass this morning?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact there's a serial killer in town, and I have no suspects, no substantial evidence, absolutely nothing!"

"Well, you might wanna see this."


She walked past him and sat down in his chair, then she gestured to her laptop.
"Just watch."

Giovani didn't move, he just glowered at her.

"Get out of my chair."

She placed her legs on the table and reclined into the seat, showing she had no intention of moving.

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