Unmasking The Slayer

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"Hey, Paul, are you ok? You sounded kinda weird on the phone."

Paul let her in.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just really need to talk to you."

"Ok. What about?" She asked as she took a seat.

Paul precariously looked in the direction of the kitchen.

"No, not here. Let's go to the basement."

Camila blinked.

Paul had never even spoken about their basement before.

"Why the basement?"

"I just....I really have to show you something."


He led her down the basement and stood at the bottom of the stairs with her, as she took in the whole scene.

Someone must've designed the basement and turned it into a very luxurious man cave.

She knew it wasn't Paul when she realized most of the furniture was baseball-themed, Paul wasn't a baseball fan.

Her boyfriend led her over to the couch and sat with her.

"I haven't been entirely honest with you."

"About what?"

"About Silko. When I first told the guys about Silko working with criminals, I said I just overheard it. But I was actually looking for this information."


"I had to find something to show my mom so she would know that he was a bad guy."

"But why? As far as I know, Silko seemed fairly nice until you found that information."

Paul sighed and gestured to the room.

"This used to be Silko's man cave. He designed it when he started living with us. Just took everything like it was his house."


"Mom was so crazy about him, she didn't even mind, she made him feel invincible and eventually.....he started acting like it."

Camila stayed silent, she knew he wasn't done.

"One day I was playing and broke a lamp. He got so mad, dragged me down here and.....beat me up."

"Oh my God."

"I don't know how long. He just kept hitting me, and when he was done, he just left me here."

"Jesus, Paul, you should've told your mo—"

"I did!"
He snapped, making Camila jump.

"I did...." He repeated softly.

"....But Silko always got away with it, he really knew how to play with her mind. So that's why I started spying on him."

"I don't understand, what were you hoping to find?"

"Something that would make my mom see this guy for what he really was."

"I'm so sorry, Paul.... He was a monster."

Paul got up and slowly paced the room.

"He was.....Silko's death was a good thing. Why can't we just let it go?"

Camila frowned.
"How can you even ask that? The same person who killed Silko killed a whole bunch of people we love."

"Yes, but none of that would've happened if we just let it go!"

Camila sat up, surprised at how swiftly this conversation had escalated.

"Do you hear yourself? It's the job of the police to investigate a murder, no matter who was actually killed. The killer has to be pay for everything he's done."

The DreVille SlayerWhere stories live. Discover now