Double Team

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"I realized I had the perfect alibi, so why not?"

"No, what do you mean by Paul wanted him dead?" Giovani pressed.

"Yeah, what the hell did I do?"

"Oh come on, it was beyond obvious that you were crazy in love with Camila. Paul knew, he just never said anything...It's not like he actually wanted to kill Kai but you know, you tend to dislike people when they want your girlfriend."

Kai shook his head.


The detective released another sigh.
"Ok, moving on, Derek, did you murder Daniel Clarke?"

"Oh, yeah. And I'm particularly proud of this one.....Oh, come on, don't look at me like that. I did the entire town a favor." he replied. "I should be rewarded."

"Sure, we'll keep that in mind," the judge replied, amused by his nonchalance.

"So walk us through the murder."

"Well, I saw an article that night that said he'd been released. Once again, my impulsive self took action. Clarke has a good security system, I knew I had to find a way in."

"So you got Sievo's car, used it to get into the house, and found Clarke, is that right?"

"Yes. Clarke saw me wearing the mask and tried to run to the basement, but you know, he's uh.."

"He's practically a beach ball with legs." Giovani finished.

Derek snickered.
"Yeah, anyway, I caught him right in front of the door and pushed him down, the way his neck cracked as he fell? Then I burned his ugly ass."

"Next is Julian Norman."

"Julian was a dipshit, I should've killed him that day at the diner. He was an even worse version of Kai. Tried to kill me twice."

"Ok, stop, Julian was on the run. How did you find him so easily?"

"That's on you." replied Derek.


"Yes. Remember the tracker app? I connected my phone to yours, right after you got connected to Camila's. I tracked his location as soon as he called and stabbed him then Camila showed up and I wanted to end her."

"Why didn't you? Suddenly got a conscience?"

"No." Dr Fellers answered for him.
"Paul wouldn't let it happen. Am I right?"

Paul's alter ego nodded.
"Yep. It's like he was activated. I had to let her go. Besides, it would've been a shame to rid the world of that piece of ass."

"Wow. Well, now there's only one thing left."

Dr Sanchez nodded.
"Paul's mom."

"Yeah. Why?"

Derek nodded at Dr Fellers.
"Blame the nosy psychologist. After Paul and his mom bumped into her at the park, she started freaking out."

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