C9: Carnival

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They both awoke on Leilah's bed.

Mark got out his phone and picked a random station on Pandora called Great Hits. They both danced around as they got changed, singing along to the songs they knew.

The Carnival would be open all day, so they took their time eating breakfast and watching some CNN in the lobby. Mark decided they should go when slightly more controversial topics started popping up.

Leilah grabbed Mark's hand as they walked to the parking lot to his car, hopped onto the front seat and buckled herself in as Mark started the car.


Mark and Leilah had way more fun than what they were anticipating.

Mark also managed to get caught in the house of mirrors. He practically hit his face over 5 times on every turn.

Leilah and Mark rode almost every single ride.

All but one.

Leilah had convinced Mark to get on every single ride with her; even the kiddie ones. One however, Mark made sure to detour every time they neared it.

Mark was shaking by the time Leilah had managed to drag him onto the Ring of Fire. He had no idea what he was getting himself into, but he wanted to show her he wasn't scared of anything!

They climbed onto the ride and pulled down the harness that keeps you in place. Leilah was just able to get on the ride, because she's so short and didn't look nervous at all.

On Mark's end however...

"You ready?!" Leilah shouted over the loud music playing.

"Uh-huh!!" Mark yelled unsure of himself.


The ride went around and round, soon slowing down and going counter-clockwise, making Mark feel very nauseous.

Soon enough, the ride ended, earning a groan from Mark. Leilah hopped off the ride with ease, grabbing Mark's hand in the process so he wouldn't fall over.

"You tired yet...?" Mark asked groggily.

Leilah yawned and nodded her head.

"I never knew Carnivals would be this fun..." she said happily.

"No kidding..." he said, lifting her up onto his back and carrying her back to the car.


Fuck, I'm sorry I take so long and it's short.

Adopted by Markiplier! || 11 year old (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now