C10: Bubble Baths

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The car ride home was silent, due to Leilah falling asleep as soon as she had strapped herself in.

Mark listened to some music as he drove... but he couldn't help but think about Leilah...

He was glad he had made this decision since over a year ago...

But now that it had actually happened... he couldn't believe it...

He knew Leilah had her flaws, but from the second she told him about her at the orphanage , he vowed to make her life happier than she could have ever had imagined.


Mark tucked his beautiful daughter into her bed but didn't leave so soon. He knew it was rather creepy... watching her sleep, but he couldn't help but worry about her.

Ever since she had that nightmare the first night he had brought her home, he has been hesitant on driving anywhere with her; now more than ever.

He might have to take her to a counselor at some point, but he wanted to see if her situation got better on its own.

He got up, gently placed a kiss on her head and left the room to go record some more Happy Wheels.


The next day, Leilah woke up hungry; really hungry. The carnival really tired her out and all she had eaten there was ice cream and funnel cake.

She walked past Mark's recording room and heard the usual muffled talking.

Once in the kitchen she made herself some cereal and decided to just relax for today.

It was 10:30 and she hadn't showered the night before so she decided to take a long bubble bath.

She washed her dishes and went over to Marks room and knocked on the door.

After a moment Mark opened the door and kneeled down in front of her.

"Good morning, mouse." he said with tired eyes.

"Hi-ya... I just wanted to let you know I'm gonna take a long bubble bath, ok?"

"Sure thing. Try not to make a mess!" He laughed, leaving Leilah to go take her bath.


She poured a generous amount of liquid foam into the tub before turning it on to warm and leaving it to fill, making sure the clog was nice and tight.

Once she was happy with the mountainous bubbles, she hopped in and turned off the water.

She covered herself in the fluffy bubbles, making her giggle.

She lifted up and handful and blew them up into the air.

They flew up over her head and landed on the carpet next to the tub with a flop.

She laughed at them and continued to swish around in the water.


She soon found herself bored in the slightly warm water and decided to get out, letting all the water go down the drain before going back to her room, tossing her dirty pj's in the hamper. She open on of her drawers, pulling out a loose pair of pajamas she picked out at the mall.

Once she put on her clothes she hopped onto her bed and didn't even bother throwing on her covers, considering the ridiculous heat that is Los Angeles.

She also decided that along with her 1 hour bubble bath, it would be nice taking a looooong nap.

She closed her eyes and entered her unstable dreamland...

Adopted by Markiplier! || 11 year old (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now