C12: New Phone?

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3rd Person

Mark got off the phone with Wade soon after he left Leilah's room. He went to the kitchen to grab something to eat, but realized they had nothing in the fridge, or the cabinets.

They would have to go to the store tomorrow when they left the house.

Mark was planning on taking Leilah to Best Buy the next day to get her a phone.

He thought since they would be traveling a lot, she'd need something to contact him with, or for him to contact her.

He was going to make her a Twitter, so she could interact with some of the fans, and maybe an Instagram so she can post silly photos of him or something.

He was also gonna get her and iPad mini. He was going to be pretty busy sometimes; she's gonna need something to keep her entertained while he's yelling into a microphone.

He went back to Leilah's room and found her staring out the window.

"Whatcha looking at out there?" He asked, peering behind her shoulder.

"There was a butterfly, but it flew away..." she said.

"You're bored."

"Yup," she said, popping the 'p'. "I wanna play a game!" she whined.

"Hmmm... You wanna do some karaoke instead?"

Leilah's eyes lit up at the thought. She wasn't a singer, but the thought of Mark jamming out to some 80's song gave her life.


After singing for about every single popular 80's song known to man, Leilah decided it would be a good idea to move onto some pop songs.

Mark clicked on one that caught his eye.

Leilah sat back and caught her breath from her last performance.


Leilah was laughing on the floor at Marks spectacle.

After tearing his vocal cords from singing "Blank Space" they both finally grew tired.

"So when am I meeting Uncle bob and Wade???" Leilah asked, again. She knew she'd be meeting them at RTX, but she kept hoping she'd meet them before.

"I've told ya already, mouse! We're gonna see em' at RTX... speaking of which, you're going to need a phone," Mark began.

Leilah squealed in her seat on the couch next to Mark.
"Really?! You're getting me a phone?!" Leilah practically screamed.
She was excited beyond belief.

"Yup, I'm going to need to contact you somehow. Can't have you getting lost, now can I?!" He laughed picking Leilah up and spinning her around making her shriek in delight.
He plopped her down letting her calm down.

"GAH! I'm hungry..." Mark groaned.
Leilah looked at the clock.
"Yeah, it's around lunch time," she stated. "Can't you make a snack or something?" Leilah asked.

"Hmmmm..." he grumbled, remembering there wasn't anything snacky in the kitchen.

Adopted by Markiplier! || 11 year old (DISCONTINUED) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora