C23: Some Quality "Uncle Time"

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The amount of swarming fans soon died down and Mark grew very tired of walking around the city. Leilhah seemed to be just getting started! All the buildings and large trees. She was aching to see the capital and run around is park with all the squirrels.

"Are you guys not tired?" Mark said almost breathlessly.

"Dude, it's barely 11:23," Wade said, checking his watch.

Leilha stopped hopping around and looked up at Mark.

"Are you getting sick?" She asked, pulling him down by the shirt to pat her hand against his forehead.

"I can't tell with this stupid heat!!" She said frustratingly, taking off her jacket and tying it around her waist.

"Haha, no I never get sick before conventions; after though would be a miracle if I didn't," Mark said, giving his forehead a couple of taps to reassure himself.

"Maybe you should rest up just in case," Bob chimed.

"Yeah, getting sick the day before could be pretty rough..." Wade said, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"I really wanted to show Leilah around though," Mark spoke glumly, scratching the back of his head.

"Uncle Bob and Wade can show me around! They've been to RTX too haven't they?!" Leilah said excitedly.

Mark groaned inwardly, glancing at his two friends for a moment before deciding.

"Ah, what the heck. I don't see why not..." he answered, getting a very giddy squeal from Leilah in response.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" Leilah said happily, finally being able really get to know her 'uncles'.

Mark insisted he'd make it back to the hotel fine on his own, and with that, Leilah lead the way... following Bob and Wade.


They finally reached the public park in front of the capital, Austin.
They all walked along the winding cement path, stopping to pet squirrels and take silly photos for social media etc.

A couple fans were bumped into and laughs were exchanged before they continued on.

"My feet are starting to hurt..." Leilah grumbled to herself, pulling them across the ground.

"How are you gonna survive RTX?! It's all about walking!" Bob boomed, getting a chuckle out of Wade.

"Here climb on my back!" Wade said, getting front of Leilah and crouching down to floor.

"Are you sure?" She asked, placing her hands on his shoulders.

"Yeah, yeah, go for it!"

She shrugged and hopped on, wrapping her legs around his torso, arms carefully placed around his neck.

"Wow! You hardly weigh anything!" Wade laughed, pulling himself up.

Bobbed quickly snapped a pictures and put it on Twitter, tagging Mark.

"Are you guys hungry?" Leilah said suddenly, pulling out her phone from her back poker and and holding it front of Wade's face as they walked, checking the time.

"It's already 3:40? What?!"

"It's around lunchtime. We should probably go get something to eat." Bob .

"PIZZA!" Both Leilah and Wade yelled.

RTX next chap


Adopted by Markiplier! || 11 year old (DISCONTINUED) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora