C5: Good Morning!

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I woke up with a strange feeling in my chest. It was nice and warm, calming. I looked down and saw Leilah, in the same spot where I left her.

I smiled at the sight. Her hair fell loosely onto her face and she looked so peaceful...

I glanced at the clock.
I pulled myself out of bed and lifted Leilah up, carrying her back to her room and putting her down onto her bed, tucking her in. I sighed and went back to my room, rummaged through my closet, and pulled out my red flannel and jeans.

I threw them onto my bed and decided to take a quick shower.


I woke up on my bed. Wait--
my new bed..! I looked around and checked the clock on my little night stand.

Mark must've carried me over while I was asleep...

I hopped out of bed and heard noises downstairs. I followed the sound and eventually got to the kitchen.
Mark was cooking... something?

I waddled in slowly and tried looking around him to get a better look at the stove. He heard me and turned around.

"Good morning, sunshine!" Mark said in a silly voice. I laughed a little and walked closer to see what he was doing.

"Good morning, Mark... what are you cooking?" I asked giving the foreign food a smell. It looked like meat, but it was all wrinkled.

"You've never had bacon before?" Mark asked, sounding surprised.

"No... what's bacon?" I asked, eyeing the food once more.

"It's meat from pigs. It tastes really good in the morning. I'll give you some when they're ready. I'm also making eggs; do you want them scrambled?"

"Yes, please..." I yawned and decided to go sit at the table. I put my head down and rested my eyes for a bit.
I heard Mark humming a funny little song as he cooked, but I didn't know what it was.


Mark set down my breakfast in front of me and started telling me what we were going to do today.

"Today," he said taking a bite of his toast. "We're going to the mall to get you some clothes."

"Ok... What stores are we going to?" I asked, picking up my bacon.

"Hmmm, anything you find interesting, I suppose. I don't really know what you like yet... Speaking of which, when's your birthday?"

"My birthday's in April. April 5th," I said taking a bite out the bacon hesitantly. I chewed it for a moment, tasting it for first time.

"Do you like it?" Mark asked, watching me in anticipation.

"Yeah! It's good," I smiled and took another bite. Mark laughed and grinned from ear to ear.

"I knew you'd like it!" he continued eating his food and smiled as I devoured mine.

"Leilah, can you go take a bath? You already put away your clothes, right? I'll pick something out for you then we can go to the mall, ok?" Mark said, taking my clean plate and his and putting them in the sink.

I got up and Mark told me where the bathroom was. I walked in and closed the door and slowly took off my clothes and turned on the water, making sure it was warm before I got in.

\\After Bath//

I opened the curtain and saw some of my clothes on the counter.
I grabbed a towel and started drying my hair off as best as I could. I grabbed my shirt and quickly pulled it over my head and after putting on the rest of my clothes I folded the towel to the best of my ability and cracked open the bathroom door.
The hall was clear so I darted straight to my room and quickly shut the door.
I let out a small squeal, excited to go to the mall with Mark.

3rd Person

Leilah seemed to be hyper this morning, still realizing she finally had a home.
She grabbed the brush her mother had used on her when she was small and combed it through her damp hair as best as she could, before returning it in the drawer she had put it away in.

She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled at her surroundings.
She knew she felt spoiled but she had to admit, her new room was far more desirable than the room she had when she still lived with her parents.
She giggled to herself and went to go look for Mark.

She opened her door and went down the hall to his room first. When she didn't find him there, she decided to check the first room she found him in yesterday.

She was correct; she entered the room and there he was, on his computer, editing his Happy Wheels Highlights together for this weeks' video.

Mark heard her come in this time and smiled at her, taking off his headphones.
"Ready to go? He asked, scratching his head a little.
"Yup! Whatcha' doing?" she asked, running to his side and looking at the screen.
She giggled as soon as she set eyes on all the silly faces of Mark on his screen.

"Mark! What the heck?! Is that- is that you??" She beamed, laughing in between each word.

Mark sighed embarrassedly, "Yeah... That's me alright! Let's get going before you embarrass me to death!"

Mark suddenly lifted up Leilah, causing her to shriek and laugh uncontrollably when Mark swung her over his shoulders.
"Mark!! Put me down! Put me down right now!"

Mark just kept laughing and ran all around the house before finally putting her down in front of the front door.

Mark kneeled down to keep at her height level and continued to laugh with her until she pulled him into a light hug.

Mark froze at the act, but reacted quickly, returning her hug. He pulled away, grabbed his keys, and opened the door leading them both out to his car.

He held the door open for Leilah, and she quickly hopped in, smiling at Mark in thanks.

He quickly ran around to his side and climbed into the car, a buckled up Leilah still smiling up at him.

Adopted by Markiplier! || 11 year old (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now