C6: Shopping

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Upon arriving to the mall, Leilah couldn't believe how much it had changed over the 4 years she hadn't been able to go. Leilah stared at the giant building in wonder, not being able to wait any longer.
Mark hopped out of the car after her as she skipped ahead.
"Leilah, I know you're excited, but wait up a second!" Mark said, locking the car and making sure Leilah didn't get too far.
Leilah stopped in her tracks and scratched the back of her head in apology as she waited for Mark to catch up with her.
Mark held out his hand, and Leilah looked at it apprehensively before taking it within her own and smiling up at Mark.
Mark looked both ways before crossing the street, guiding Leilah along the painted lane on the paved road.

Mark and Leilah walked hand in hand inside and slowed down to get a good look at all the stores.
"See anything you like?" Mark asked, kneeling down next to Leilah.
Leilah hummed as she looked around at the different stores. One store finally caught her eye and she pointed at it with the hand that wasn't in Mark's.
"Let's go in that one?" she said, coming out as more of a question.
Mark chuckled at her and ruffled her hair.
"Yeah, let's go," Mark said standing and walking towards the store, Leilah following close behind, a prominent smile stretching her cheeks.


"How does this look?" Leilah said, holding up a light blue sweater with a yellow star in the front to her chest.
(The first outfit in the picture)

Mark was glad Leilah wasn't being so shy around him. She had already chosen a couple of more items, but he could tell that she still wasn't comfortable with him buying her new things.

"I like it! I think you'd look great in it, mouse." Mark answered, reassuring Leilah.

She nodded, mostly to herself and continued deeper into the store, Mark following close behind, a grin lacing his features.
Mark happily paid for Leilah's new clothes and they decided they could go for a pizza before continuing their shopping trip.
Leilah bit into her pizza and started growing uneasy when a group of girls were staring at her.

She thought it was her mind playing tricks on her but the more she looked, the more she realized they were indeed staring in her direction.

Soon, the two girls, obviously older than her, came over and started talking to Mark.
"Oh my god! Mark, I'm sorry to bother you but could you sign our shirts?" She asked nervously holding out a sharpie towards Mark.
"Aw, you guys! Of course!" Mark said happily, taking the pen as Leilah stared at him, dumbfounded.

After he signed their shirts, he gave them both a hug, took a picture with them, and they both left squealing in happiness, waving at Leilah goodbye.

Leilah just stared at Mark, having no idea what the heck just happened.

"What the hell was that?" Leilah said, finally gathering her words.

"That's what I was talking about earlier. And watch your language a bit." Mark said sternly.
Leilah sunk in her seat in apology.
"Sorry..." she said, holding back a laugh.

"It's okay" Mark said mischievously, continuing to explain what happened.

"They're a couple of my fans. They watch my videos and they recognized us here today, which is going to happen a lot by the way."

Leilah realized they were apart of those almost 6 million people.

"Ohhh...!" Leilah gasped and took another chomp out of her pizza.

After they finished their food, they continued into the mall until Leilah saw a store I'm sure all of you love.

"HotTopic... It looks scary in there..." Leilah said, taking a step towards the dark store. The closer she got however, the more items came into view.

She recognized some characters, and others she had never seen before.
"Oh yeah! Let's go in there, I love this store!" Mark said, taking Leilah's hand and pulling her into the store.

Leilah was a short girl for her age, so couldn't really see much of what Mark was talking about.

Mark noticed and decided to lift her up onto his back, giving her a bit more height.
Leilah laughed in delight as her eyes were finally able to scan the store in its full glory.

She pointed at a couple of My Little Pony and Adventure Time shirts and promptly climbed off of Mark to see if they had her size.
The extra small still fit her pretty long, but Mark still bought it for her, knowing she would grow into them.

Leilah left the store, bag in hand, Mark carrying the rest of her bags in his arms. Leilah looked up at him and giggled, seeing how silly he looked, 2 bags hanging off of each arm.
Mark saw her laughing and her grinned down at her, striking a funny pose with the bags still on his arms.

Leilah giggled happily at Mark's exaggerated strut walk towards the entrance of the store.

Soon the laughing ceased and Leilah and Mark climbed into their car and drove home.
Leilah looked at the time, and saw that it was only 5:47...

"Are we going home already?" Leilah asked, accidentally sounding like a whine.

Mark chuckled, keeping his eyes on the road.
"Yes, kiddo. Don't worry, we're gonna do fun stuff tomorrow, too. We can go to the Carnival or the beach... Whatever sounds the most fun to you."

Leilah gasped at the thought.
"Really?! Oh, let me think..."

This is where you guys come in.
You guys can choose where they go tomorrow!
Have fun :b


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