C27: Before the "Horror"

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Mark grinned ear to ear the entire time he was meeting fans. He loved doing this, hearing their stories and making them happy.

Time went by so fast and slow somehow though. Mark could feel Leilah getting tired behind him. She wasn't as used to meeting as he was, but was glad she wasn't complaining too much. To him at leats. She had already bothered most of the group there before retiring back to her spot on the couch.

She'd smile at a few fans every now and then, but spent most of her time on her phone complaining on twitter.

You guys already know how this ends...

"Hi, Mark!" A wide eyed girl said, pulling something out of her backpack to give to Mark. "My names Nat, and this is for you and Leilah!" She squeals handing Mark his gift.

It was a regular Tiny Box Tim and smaller version sewn next to it. The regular one had hair like Marks and the smaller version looked like Leilah.

"Awww! This is so cute! Thank you so much, Nat!" Mark said, giving her a hug.

"Ahhh, thank you! Can I get a picture of you with it?"

"Of course, yeah!" He answered, holding it to his chest and smiling at the girl's phone.

"Thank you soooo much," she said again, brushing some hair out of her face.

"So where is Leilah?" She asked. "I was hoping to get a picture of you both with the plush..." She said, turning her attention towards the empty couch behind Mark.

"What do you mean she's-" Mark's heart stopped. Everything stopped. He had to say something.

"Oh uhh, she must've gone to bathroom real quick!" He said shakily.

"Oh well," Nat shrugged. "It was so nice meeting you!" She beamed, giving him one last hug before walking a away.

Mark was sweating. He turned to the rest of the gang and realized that they were all buzzing, all looking at Mark and trying to figure out what the hell they were doing.

Mark looked back at the Guardians keeping people in line and signaled for one of them to come over.

"Uh-h, can you keep them waiting for a b- keep them waiting? My girl- My- Leilah, the girl, we can't find her," Mark could barely breathe and he couldn't leave the booth without causing a scene. Some fans had already caught on and had worried looks plastered on to their faces.

The Guardian radioed in the situation and said they wouldn't let out any young girl that seemed to be alone.

Mark almost screamed when he realized she had her phone on her.

He quickly yanked it out of his pocket and called her, everyone around him sighing in relief, remembering he could've called her.

One ring. Two Rings.


Mark let out a breath he wasn't quite sure he was holding.

"Leilah, where are you?"


Marks head was spinning by the time he got off the phone with her. With Matt on his way, he could finally sit down.

"Oh my god..." Mark gasped for air. "How could I be so stupid?" He was getting angry at himself for not checking on her more often.

"How could we be so stupid?" Sean corrected him, considering there was 5 other guys that could've noticed she was gone before him.

"Ughhh, I feel so dumb," Ryan chuckled. "I just met her; didn't think she was a trouble maker!" He laughed trying to lighten up the mood.

"You sounded pretty upset on the phone," Wade commented.

"What are gonna do to her?" Bob asked, suddenly worried about the punishment she could receive.

"I'm taking away her phone... After the con of course. For one week," Mark breathed, holding his head in his hands.

"Mark, you monster!" Ryan gasped, covering his hand with his mouth.

The group laughed, glad that Leilah was in such good hands.


My friend suggested that a write a quick chapter about what happened on Marks end of the "horror"

Well there you go lol

sorry its short. meh.


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