C1: Welcome to LA Orphanage!

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If I could a word to describe myself.

It would be lonely.
Oh so terribly lonely.

Living in an orphanage without parents to call my own.

Both of mine got in a car crash on their way to pick me up from dance class when I was 7.
I'm 11 now, almost 12.

My roommate, Bry; her house burned down when she was 10; she was an only child.
She's only been here for a year.

You can never come back from something like that, but you are expected to.

Everyday you wake up, hoping it was a dream.

Bry would wake up screaming every night for the first week when she got here.

I still get nightmares every now and then...


With every bit of my energy, I rack myself out of bed at 5am and get ready for morning chores.
I threw on the dirtiest t-shirt I had (since I was doing chores anyway), which fit me two sizes too small, and pulled on a pair of jean shorts.

I tied back my long brown hair into a loose ponytail and looked at myself in the mirror.

I sighed and tried rubbing off the tired from my face.
I slipped on my sandals on my way out and threw my PJs at Bry so she could wake up.

All the 11's, including me and my roommate, clean the kitchen every Wednesday and anyone older does house cleaning.
I have to do mop duty, so I get early and do it so by the time everyone is up its already dry.

Anyone younger is stuck with yard work, brutal I know. Gotta keep this place spottless a every 2nd Thursday of each month, Adoption Day.

With my luck, I'll probably never get out of here...
Hey, at least the food is free.


I make my way to the supply closet and grab the sponge mop and bucket.
I quickly fill it with water and add the soap, getting to work,

I do my best to get in the corners of the walls and under the tables and once I'm done I sit in a chair waiting for it to dry.

I dispose of suds on my clothing and leave out the bucket for the girls mopping the lobby and house portion of the orphanage.

I see Bry coming and give her a smile, already done with my half of the chores.
She's tasked with doing the dishes with another girl who never gets up in the morning.

Well good luck to her, I'm going to tell Mother I've done my part.

Luckily the lady that runs this place isn't mean. She let's us call her whatever we would call our moms and such, but I just call her Mother.

She's usually in her room drinking tea. I found her in her usual chair, sipping on her signature camomile tea.

"Oh good morning, dearie. Let me guess, you already finished mopping?" She smiled warmly at me, the wrinkles on her cheeks sketching as she grinned.

"Good morning, Mother! Yes, I have! I was hoping I could relax before Adoption Day, pick out my nice clothes for tomorrow..?" I asked hopefully, giving her my brightest smile.

"Of course you can! Have fu- wait! I just remembered we got our new clothing donations today, you can go pick anything you like from there. Just make sure no one sees you!" She says in a hushed tone before going back to whatever she was listening to on her radio.

I sprinted out of the room and straight to the clothes box.
It was filled with dresses, shirts, shorts, and shoes.

I decided to pick one of each, and an extra shirt.


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This felt like a good idea this morning.
It's going to be really fucking cute, ok?
I feel like we need more cute shit in my stories.

Why do I do this to myself...
(Stares at neglected stories)


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