C29: RTX (Day 2) Part 2

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Leilah skipped giddily next to Mark as she tried to remember everything he had told her about the Grumps.
She recalled him saying something about a Suzy and Holly taking care of her for most of the time, but that the guys may be overwhelming. With Ninja Bryan there however, she should be fine.

She had no idea who these people were and wasn't to sure whether or not she should be excited or scared.

"Mark can you carry me?" Leilah whined holding her arms up like a small child.
Mark laughed, "Yeah, of course, mouse," he got down on knee and waited for Leilah to climb up on his shoulders.
Mark stood up and steadied himself before he started walking again.

Leilah beamed at how high up she was and saw a booth titled " Games Grumps" around a corner

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Leilah beamed at how high up she was and saw a booth titled " Games Grumps" around a corner.

"Hey, is that it over there?" She asked, pointing. Mark looked up to see where she was pointing and nodded, "Yup, that's them!" Mark walked a bit faster, finally turning the corner and getting to the booth.

Leilah immediately noticed a guy with long puffy hair. He was laughing with a couple of other dudes but Leilah couldn't get all the details because one of them was already up saying hi to them.

"Oh shit! Guys look they're here!" A guy with long brown hair said. He was really tall and had a blonde streak on the right side of his head.

"Hello!" Leilah chirped, getting the rest of the grumps attention, followed by a series of "awws".

"Arin, come on, she's like what 11?" a girl coming up behind him scolded, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Mark got down and let Leilah hop off.

"Yup, here she is!" Mark said, proudly. "Introduce yourself..." Mark said, pushing Leilah forward a bit.

"Oh right... Hi, again! My name is Leilah, and it's very nice to meet you!" She beamed, more so through her teeth because she was quite terrified.

"Awww! Hi there sweetie! I'm Suzy and this is my husband, Arin," Suzy cooed, motioning over to Arin.

"That's me!" Arin said, holding up his had for a high-five. Leilah smashed it, making the guy with the puffy hair laugh.

"She's got spirit!" He commented, more so to Mark. "Hey there, name's Dan or Danny. Whichever you want, girl," he laughed, running a hand through his hair.

Leilah laughed at the nickname and looked up at Mark to let him know she was having fun.

"Well guys, I can't be here all day. I've gotta go get stuff set up for the panel. Please take care of my baby and don't get her killed, alright?"

Arin gave a mock salute, making everybody laugh. Leilah groaned at the use of the word "baby" before Mark kissed the top of her head and sped off the way he came.

Leilah suddenly felt very alone. She re-adjusted her cap so it was on backwards and stood closer to Suzy, feeling slightly overwhelmed by the amount of guys there.

"Ok, ok. We've gotta finish saying hi and then we'll play some games, sound good?" Suzy asked, getting down to Leilah's eye level.

Leilah nodded and smiled over to rest of the Grumps.
She was sat next to Barry, who from the get go was NOT going to let her out of her sight after Mark explained to them what had happened the day before.
Barry was being very subtle.
Arin was being... less subtle.

Leilah sped around the race track as her Princess Peach was in a pathetic last place.
"Ugh, I suck at this game!" She pouted, being the last one to cross the finish line.
"Don't be so hard on yourself, kiddo," Barry laughed. "You can't really blame yourself since you've never played before,"

"I guess," Leilah agreed, psyching herself up for the next track.

Leilah felt like she was being terribly watched, however...
Whenever she would turn around though, no one seemed to be looking at her...
She only ever noticed Arin's hair shift once when she turned around especially quick.
It was only when she finally caught his gaze, she hummed in annoyance, realizing just how much radar she had been put under.


Studying has been pretty hectic...
Exams coming up and I need to start caring
Sorry for lack of writing
Thank you so much for reading ❤️

What should Leilah do w the Grumps next chapter?

-Continue game shenanigans
-Explore RTX with a grump (you choose)
-sneak off
-other lol

Adopted by Markiplier! || 11 year old (DISCONTINUED) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu