C17: Meet Up

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Leilah's POV

Not too sure how I feel about Twitter... Mark turned off the notifications for me, thank the lord. I answered some questions this morning, and took some pictures of Mark while he was sleeping and posted those on Twitter as well.
They got a kick out of that.

I grabbed a banana off the kitchen counter and waited for Mark to get up. I don't know how long he stayed up after what happened yesterday, but I hope it wasn't to much. He said something about going out today, so I got up early to get breakfast.

Maybe I should wake him? Nah, I'll let him sleep just in case he did stay up late.


3rd Person

Leilah spent the next our getting ready to go out, throwing on a cute yellow frilly top and some regular jeans and rainbow colored sketchers.

As soon as she was done changing, Mark walked in, showered and dressed.

"Well, look at you! You ready to go?" he asked excitedly.

"As ready as I'll ever be. Care to tell me where exactly we're going?" she said sarcastically.

"Don't you follow me on twitter?? I tweeted out we're going to the mall today! If you're gonna go to RTX with me, you NEED to be ready for the large amount of people wanting to hug you and take pictures with you," Mark said.

Leilah cringed.

"Do I have to go? Isn't it you they want to meet?"

Mark twitched a small smile, "They're gonna love you, you just have to trust me."

"Okay, Mark..."


Upon arrival, they we're surprised that not many people were there. Since it was summer vacation maybe some of them were out of town.

Leilah did fairly well around all of the people. She was also given many gifts and requests for photos with Mark. Mark was surprised when Leilah took out her own phone and took selfies with some of the fans.
"Gonna post these on Twitter..." she mumbled to herself.

Soon Mark decided they should get going, and said goodbye to all the fans before lifting Leilah up and carrying her on his shoulders.

Mark was happy at how well Leilah did today. Maybe RTX wouldn't be SO scary, as long as she stays near Mark.


Leilah hopped off Mark's shoulders once they were in the parking lot and got into the car.
Once she had her seatbelt she looked at all the stuff she has gotten.

She opened one that looked like a white gift bag with curly pink ribbons on it.

She pulled out a black t-shirt. She noticed some sort of design on the shirt, there was a white big 'L' with a bright pink mustache on it.

Right when she pulled out the shirt, Mark had already gotten inside the car and was watching Leilah stare at the shirt.

"WOAH! Did a fan give that to you! That's amazing!"

"Yeah! It's like the shirts you sell!"

Mark looked down at Leilah's small pile of trinkets and noticed a keychain...

"What's this?" He asked, more to himself.
Leilah looked up at the thing, not knowing.
Mark turned it around and saw a little tiny box Tim with a bright pink bow on it.

"AWW!" Mark cooed.
"What?! What is it?" She said grabbing the keychain.
"I don't think you know who he is, but on my channel his name is tiny box Tim." Mark explained.

"Oh, yeah. I've heard that once or twice in one of your videos... It's really cute!"

"There's also a Plushie of it in my store too! Want one?"

Leilah's eyes widened"
"Oh my gosh, yes!!"

She suddenly threw her arms around Mark, pulling his into a tight hug.
"Thank you so much for today... dad..."
He gently put his arms around her back and squeezed lovingly.

"No, Leilah... thank you..."

Sorry, short.

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