C24: RTX (Day 1) Pt 1

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Leilahs time with her Uncles was cut short when all of them agreed they'd rather go back to hotel and save they're energy for the convention and just order room service.

Bob and Wade waved Leilah off as she ran up to the elevator, knowing already what her room number was after sending Mark a quick text.
She let the elevator door open before stepping in and waving to her uncles one more time.
But before the doors could close, a man slightly younger than Wade, hopped in with a smirk on his face.
He played his cool.
"Hey sorry, what floor you going to?"
"Oh um, 2..." Leilah said pulling out her phone to get the man to stop talking to her.
"Ok," he said, pressing the button labeled 2. "I'm on that floor, too..."
Leilah tensed when she noticed the man getting noticeably closer to her.
She had to get out.
One of his hands was already on her shoulder, the other reaching for her phone.

Time seemed to stop when the elevator door finally opened.

Mark immediately knew what was happening in front of him.
"Hey man, get away from her," he said angrily, stepping in between him and Leilah, shielding her behind him.
Using his free hand, he pushed the guy away back into the elevator.

"Hey man I wasn't-"

"Just shut up and leave," Mark spoke sternly, gesturing back towards the inside of the elevator.
Using his left hand he gently pushed Leilah out of the elevator, keeping his eyes on the creep in front of him making sure he left.

Once the doors closed, Mark turned around and feel to his knees.
He held Leilah close and almost started crying.
Leilah was shaking.

"Are you okay?" Mark croaked.

"Y-Yeah... I'm good," she whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Don't scare me like that!" Mark cried, letting go of Leilah leaving his hands on her shoulders.

"I don't what I would've done if something happened to you... Come on, let's get to our room," He said getting up and taking Leilahs little hand in his.



The hotel they shared was roomy, but only came with one bed. Leilah felt very safe sleeping next to Mark, but awoke with cold-sweat.

She pulled herself out of bed and waddled over to the rather cramped bathroom. She washed her face with some water and lazily brushed her hair. When she got out of the bathroom, Mark was just getting up. He scratched the back of head and greeted Leilah.

"Morning, mouse! Sleep well?" He groaned, rocking himself out of bed and walking over to the suit case, pulling out what he was gonna wear that day, along with what Leilah was going to wear.

"Uhh, yeah. I slept great... So what are we gonna do today?" She said, grabbing her clothes and going to restroom, leaving Mark to change. She left the door open but she wasn't visible so she could hear what Mark was saying.

"Just gonna be signing and taking pictures with fans today, sweetie. Nothing huge, since the panel is tomorrow."

"Where am I gonna be during the 'panel'?" She asked, slipping on a loose Steven Universe t-shirt a fan gave her, along with cute purple shorts.

"Where am I gonna be during the 'panel'?" She asked, slipping on a loose Steven Universe t-shirt a fan gave her, along with cute purple shorts

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