C21: Netflix

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After watching an entire season of The Walking Dead, they both fell dead asleep on the couch. Mark was the first one to wake up. He groaned at the bright screen in front of him and slowly racked himself off the couch. Leilah was not going to wake up for another hour, Mark thought to himself, so he decided to get breakfast started before she woke up.
As Mark got everything for some lazy cereal, Leilah awoke steadily and listened to Mark ramble to himself about things he had planned for that day.

She smiled to herself and carefully picked herself off of the couch and walked into the kitchen. She went up to Mark and hugged him from his side, starling him slightly.

"Oh hey! Good morning!" Mark mused, setting down the box of (x) cereal on the table. He embraced Leilah again, quickly releasing her so she could eat.

"Thanks for making me cereal..." She spoke groggily, grabbing her spoon and beginning to eat her breakfast.

"No problem, kiddo. I've gotta pretty big day ahead of me, though, so I'm going to be busy almost all day today... but I'm going to be recording a ton of stuff today so we can do a bunch of fun stuff tomorrow! Sound good?" Mark announced, taking another bite of his cereal.

Leilah simply nodded, a small smile on her face. She was already done eating, so she put her plate in the sink and did something Mark never thought he would do.

She scurried up next to where Mark was sitting and planted a tiny kiss on his cheek before running off to her room without another word. For lack of better words, Mark was speechless. He was filled with a simple determination and vowed to never hurt Leilah in anyway.


I don't have any other excuses besides school,,,,

The next chapter will be probs be about RTX and Leilah meeting Jack Wade Bob etc.

And I won't be addressing Daniel's death in this story out of respect... (May he rest in peace)


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