Chapter 3

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The night before Jack would find out if he would be the next democratic presidential candidate, he was speaking to a crowd in Los Angeles. It was chilly out but he so enjoyed being out with the people. Not to mention the pretty red-head he'd been seeing was due to arrive in town later that evening.

He'd just gotten to the last page of a speech when a hush fell over the crowd. He frowned but continued on until he felt a hand on his back. "You'd be a fool to not properly introduce the people to the woman who'll introduce them to the next president, Mr. Kennedy." A soft breathy voice said in his ear.

His eyes widened and he turned around quickly in disbelief. It couldn't be her...but it was. "Jackie..."

She smiled and raised an eyebrow, nodding towards the crowd.

He nodded and turned back towards the crowd. "Uh...I'm sorry. This gorgeous...this woman here. Has just surprised me. And I've honestly no idea why she's here."

Jackie rolled her eyes and stepped in front of him. "I'm Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. I'm Jack's ex wife. And I'm the woman who's going to introduce him to you all tomorrow as the next president. Now. If you think I'll do that...I want to hear some cheering!"

She laughed as the crowd burst into applause and chants of "kennedy!" Jack couldn't believe it. He had no idea what was going on. He looked over at Bobby who stood at the edge of the platform. His eyes widened when he saw him though. Bobby stood watching Jackie interact with the crowd with a blonde two year old in his arms.

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