Chapter 12

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The following morning, Jack awoke to an empty bed. He sat up quickly, pulling on a t-shirt and his boxers and making his way out to the adjoining room.

He found Jackie sitting at the small table with her laptop out, her hair was wet and she was now in his bathrobe.

"Hey...what time is it?" He asked, coming up behind her and kissing her neck.

She smiled and leaned back. "A little past nine."

"You should have woke me."

"You looked peaceful." She smiled and motioned towards Caroline. "Besides, she was awake."

He glanced over at the little girl watching a cartoon. "When do we tell her?"

She sighed. "How about later this afternoon?"

"Why not now?"

Before she could answer, a head popped up from the couch, Bobby grinned. "Because I knew you still had feelings for her!"

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