Chapter 11

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"You''re crazy!" She stepped back from him several steps, blinking as she did.

"Am I? Really?"

She nodded as he stepped towards her again, lessening the space between them. "Have you forgotten what happened last night, Jacqueline? Or should I remind you?"

"Nothing happened. You kissed me and that was it. End of story." She murmured almost trying to convince herself.

"Sure...sure." He pulled her close and kissed her softly.

When she responded, hesitantly at first and then growing more sure of herself, he picked her up and carried her into the adjoining bedroom of the suite.

After their few hours of bliss, Jack lay with Jackie's head on his chest. He was quiet as he stroked her hair, quite pleased with himself actually, when she spoke.

"This isn't going to work, Jack."

"What do you mean?"

She sighed. "Ari will try and ruin you. And somehow he'll succeed and you'll end up losing the race."

"I won't let either of those things happen, Jacqueline. But if that was the case...I wouldn't care. I'd have you. And I'd have our daughter."

She looked up at him, shock in her eyes. "What? Really?"

He nodded.

"I...Jack. I...I love you. Always have and always will."

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