Chapter 10

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As soon as Caroline had fallen back to sleep, Jack turned to Jackie.

"You kept my child from me. You let that slime-ball raise my child!" He hissed.

"Don't call my husband names, Jack!" She glared.

"Oh shut up. You don't love him. If you'd loved him you wouldn't be here right now."

She sighed, looking down. "Please don't. I hated me. I didn't think you'd be happy to know I was having a baby again."

"Wouldn't be happy?!? Jacqueline, this is my child. Of course I'd have been happy!"

"But you blamed me for Arabella's death!" She snapped.

"I was angry! A child...a child would have helped me get better. I could love and hold that child in the ways I couldn't Arabella! You took that chance from me!"

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry." She murmured, tears now falling down her cheeks.

He sighed, going over to her and wrapping her in his arms. "I'm sorry."

"You didn't do anything."

He shook his head, holding her tighter. "I was horrible. You were right to keep her from me...but now I want to be in her life."

She nodded. "Of course."

"I want to be listed as her father, Jacqueline."

She looked up at him. "Ari won't like that."

"Then leave Ari."

"It's not...Jack, stop it."

"Leave Ari."

"For what?!? Go where?" She glared up at him.

"For me. Let us be a family."

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