Chapter 8

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Jack had officially been the nominee for only a few hours but you'd think he'd just won the presidency from the way all of the family had been acting.

Gifts had been given and drinks had been downed and the family had started to file out of Jack's room slowly one by one. Until it was just Jackie, Caroline and Jack.

Jackie stroked Caroline's hair as the little girl fought sleep.

Jack smiled, watching them as he finished his beer. "So...where does life take you now, Jacqueline?"

"Um...Caroline and I will go visit Mom and Uncle Hughdie for awhile."

He frowned. "No, Onassis?"

She shook her head. "No...he's left me some pretty nasty voicemails since I left to come here."

"He didn't know?"

She shook her head. "No. I didn't tell him."

"Why?" He frowned.

"I didn't think he really needed to know. Caroline is old enough to..." She trailed off.

"To what?"

"Nothing. It's late. I should go." She murmured getting up.

"Tell me, Jacq."

She sighed. "No, now is not...this is not how we're doing this."

"Is this about the kiss? Because I'm sorry...I just got really caught up in the moment. And I also really just wanted to kiss you."

"It's not about the kiss...but you did?"

He nodded. "Yes. I did. I...I realize this is really bad for me to say. But I still love you. Very much."

She blinked. "You divorced me because our child was stillborn, Jack. And now you say you love me?"

He sighed. "I never stopped loving you...I was just lost and angry. Very lost and angry."

She stayed quiet for several minutes, watching Caroline.

"Jackie. Please. Say something."

She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "Would you still love me if I'd kept another child from you?"

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