chapter 18

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{Big surprise}

"William?" I asked in a raspary voice tears started to fill my eyes. My vision got blurry. Why now? How am I suppose to beat him if I feel like my body is falling apart. My breath was uneven and I could tell that he was amused by it.

"Once you were such a powerful young lady and now?" He slowly took of his gear not moving away from me. "Now you are nothing more than one of your so love humans." He caressed my cheek with his gloved hands. I was too scared and to weak to do anything about it.

"Humans are weak, aren't they? Without you they would all be dead." He spoke up as he walked away from me to the observing window. He looked at his reflection. What is he doing? I can tell he moved his finger to his mouth but I have no clue why.

"We don't need there beings. If you would have just agreed with your husband this all would not have happened." He shook his head and put his fingers on his temples.

"The funny is, that even after we deleted all your memories, you still choose to help those weakling." Word by word he sounded more and more disgusted. "Instead of your own people." He turned around and chills run down my spine.

His eyes were completely black except from the red glowing iris. This sight was terrifying. Sweat slowly run down my forehead. "Please I don't know what you mean." He shook his head. "Of course you wouldn't understand." He simply said walking back to me.

He made a little swing with his hand. Into my sight came a sharp pointy tail. It was easy to tell that this thing could cut thru nearly everything. It swung around behind him.

"Let's try it another time." He said in an demonical voices. Try what? What is he about to do? Is he trying to beat me again... or even worse. He smilied at me, shown of his sharp teeth. "You know what? Its funny how your thoughts are ringing in our head."

My eyes went wide. "You.. you can hear my thoughts?" I studdert. "Everyone can 'my queen'." He laughed. "No, I won't hurt you. I will just reset your memories again." He said stopping infronte of me. My heart was beating in my chest making it hard to breath properly.

He grabbed my face with his hands making it impossible for me to move away. "Please stop what are you doing?" I screamed. I looked pass hin and saw the tip of his tail form into a needle like shape. PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME! William just rolled his eyes.

"Who do you think will help you?" He tillted he head. His tail moved to the zipper of my jumpsuit. It threaded into my zipper, pulling it down. It then slided into my jumpsuit to my back.

I tried to grab it and stop it, but there was no use it just slipped thru my fingers. I slided up my spin and stop near my neck, almost by my head.

It stabbed into my flesh. I could feel it hitting a part of my brain. I felt sick and dizzy. My eyes rolled back making it impossible for him to see my ires anymore. Pain shot thru my brain.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WILLAM?!" That voice... is that Simon? The pain stopped and I was able to see William turning around. I looked pass him and saw indeed Simon.

But wait what would Simon do against a god. "Simon don't! Run! Please!" I spoke to him, fearing he would die. I held onto the wrist of William while talking.

~Lost memories~ (scp 035 x reader x scp 049)Where stories live. Discover now