AN: I am sorry for slow updates :c
hope you still enjoy the book :)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
{Good old times}Yet a new day arrived. As i woke up i had to go thru a few test. Health test to be exectly. They checked my puls, blood, brain even my eyes, if I took any damage.
I was allowed to walk around the facility with a few guard since they were able to trust me. Simon was on a good way back on his feet. The hospital site still want to check on him for a few more days.
I even had to try my new powers on dead animals, or even on two scientists who got to close to an scp. Most of them were easy to bring back, some of them were trick or even to rotten to bring back.
It was finally time for us to take a break and we made our way to the cafeteria. I walked between Phillip and Daniel, Joshua on the other hand walked infront of us, not paying any attention into what we were talking.
"Did you know about simon?" Phillip asked while taking another bit of his pizza. Today was pizza day at the cafeteria, so they actually invited me to have some.
"No. I mean. Maybe? I don't know if I used to know him. I lost my memories after all." I said giving him the side eyes. I took a bit out of my own pizza, nearly melting by the taste. Its been quite long since I ate pizza.
It most have shown becaus Daniel started to laught. "Enjoying your pizza?" I giggled. I just responded with a hum and kept eating. I slightly bounced around while eating. Food really just made me happy.
"What about this.. skeleton? Where did it came from? Did you know about it?" Joshua asked serious but also annoyed. I stopped chewing and looked up at him. I swallowed the rest of the food in my mouth and put the pizza on the plate.
"I... I once had a vision about them? They told me things, they said they are here for my safety, but they can't fight on my side right now. So they are hiding in the shadows, only helping if i really need them." I whispered playing with the edge of the pizza.
Joshua smacked his fist on the table makeing every other guard in the room look at him. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! SHE COULD LITERALLY KILL US!! HER FUCKING SKELETON THING COULD COME OUT ANYTIME SEEING US AS DANGEROUS!" He yelled in frustration, every now and then hitting the table. I flinched every time he did so.
"And what are we doing?! Sitting at the table with a monster eating pizza like we are homies, but WE ARE FUCKING NOT." He pointed his Index finger into my face. Everyone in the room began to whisper beyond them giving me some glares which I could tell, if they are good or bad.
Tears started to form in the corner of my eyes. A monster nothing more. I am a monster. Am I a monster? I don't want to be here! I want to go home! I closed my eyes covering my face with my hand. "I wanna go home." I whispered more to my self.
"Oh dear, what happened?" I looked up only to find myself in 049 chamber. "Wait, what? How did I got here?" I sat there covered in a corner looking up at him. "Your powers are coming back. You must have wanted to come here?" He asked in his monoton voice locking eyes with me.
I got up and wrapped my arms around his waist. "I dont know what to do. Can't you help me get my memories back?" I sobbed into his shoulder. "I can try if you want, but maybe we need 035 too." I moved away a bit nodding my head.
"They thing Im a monster? I was playing by there rolls, but not anymore." I hugged him tight thinking about 035 chamber. As I opend my eyes it worked.
Bad news he was talking to scientists right now. I waved at them. I can do what ever I want. I took a look at my hands. I waved at the scientists and moved my hand into the direction of the door. After a few seconds I smirk.
"(Y/N)?! What are you doing bring them back to there chambers! NOW!" One of the man in whit said bit I ignored them. Skipping to 035 I bend down to the sitting 035 and gave him a hug. "Oh love, finally switching your attitude?" He laught devilish. I just shrugged.
"We can't open the door." The guard yelled. "(Y/N) open the damn door!" I saw Phillip red face filled with anger. I simply shook my head no. We sat into a small circle looking at eatch other. "Humans will alway see us as monsters." 049 said suddenly. "No matter how many times we would tell them the truth they didn't want to hear it. They only want to hear the bad thing." 035 continued.
All the stories about them, they are just a smal piece of the truth, but they are to stupid to listen to us what we have to say. We are gods and they tread us like animals.
"So what are we exectly doing?" I asked while looking between the two. Each grab a hand of mine and held each other hand. "Are we gonna sing a song now?" I joke, ignoring the screaming and banging on the glass from the scientists.
"Remember what we did back at the hospital?" 035 question. "The small Flashback we gave you?" 049 added. "We want to to it again, but with you help we may be able to see more. More that 035 and I know. Things only you know." I shrugged but nodded.
We closed our eyes and got in some short of trance. I felt how my body started to feel light like a feather. Every sound around us died down. It was calm and I was able to feel a soft brezze on my face.
I felt them squeeze my hands softly and i slowly opened my eyes. "We did it!" The said in excitement but still calm. I rose from my spot and looked around. A green field with beautiful flowers, a small river was to be seen in the distance.
"This is amazing!" I yelled spinning around in the field, feeling the soft grass under my feet. I smiled, like I haven't in a long time. At least it felt like that.
"So how are we gonna see what happened?" I stopped infronte of them. "We have to find our self." 049 spoke up. "Oh no, we have to meditate?" I whined. They both shared a laugh. "No love, we literally have to find our self. We will see our story from the 3rd person." Just a smal 'ohh' escaped my lips.
"So that means we casually walk around till we found us? Wouldn't that somehow destroy or timeliness, if they see us?" I furrowed. "No, they won't be able to see us, no one can!" 049 explained. "What about the guards? Can't they just break thru the glass or something?!" I panicked gripping 035 shoulders and shook him violently.
049 grab my shoulders and pulled me away from him. He looked over my shoulder down on me. "Time passes by different. Just our soul is here. For them we will be gone for a few seconds for us..." He paused looking at 035, who just looked away. "Maybe a few days. Or weeks."
I turned around. "Weeks?! That's kinda coll!" I beamed at them. "Could also be for a few months." 049 walked pass me. "Or even years." Why is he getting more quite? He turned around to look at me. "There is also a possibility that.." He startet to drift off. "Possibility that??" I got his attention, as he got distracted by something in the distance.
They both faced me and 035 finally said something after 049 would speak up again, but it was something I didn't really enjoyed hearing. "We may be stuck here forever."

~Lost memories~ (scp 035 x reader x scp 049)
FanfictionOne day (Y/N) wakes up in a strange place. She didn't know how she got there nor does she know what she did to be trapped in a place like that. What will happen to her? Did she really deserve to be a D-Class? How many SCP does she have to pass befor...