Chapter Two

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"The elders before me, told me this story, for it was once passed down to them." Redbubble said in a low voice, sharing the ancient tale with the apprentices that huddled around him. There had been light rain all day, so Mudstar allowed the young cats to take a day off from training. Silverpaw and her littermates had spent the majority of the day listening to the elders take turns telling stories. Redbubble, though, was the best storyteller. He always knew how to deliver the tone of the story just right.

"The brave WindClan she-cat, Moonspeckle, had led a band of scared cats from all of the Old Clans through the mountains, fearlessly facing every enemy that challenged them. Moonspeckle was fast and strong, perhaps the fastest and strongest that ever lived, but she knew that what was most important was that she could count on her Clanmates to be by her side throughout the danger."

Silverpaw's leaf-green eyes sparkled with admiration for the heroic she-cat. She could just imagine her, standing atop the mountains, her white pelt spotted with silver, leading her cats to greatness.

"Moonspeckle was never the official leader of anything, but all of the cats agreed that if she hadn't tragically died before reaching their homes, she would've been known as Moonstar." Redbubble went on.

"How did she die?" Breezepaw sighed, curiosity bright her brown eyes. They had all heard this story before, but they never got tired of hearing it. Redbubble purred with amusement, and continued.

"As they were passing through the last of the cruel, cold mountains, a hawk swooped down, talons sharper than any claws or fangs, and snatched her right off the ground. They say they could see her fighting it many tail-lengths up in the air. Even on the brink of death, her spirit never died."
"And she killed it, right?" Silverpaw dared to ask. Redbubble shook his head.

"It dropped her, and when she was found, they claimed it was the worst thing they'd ever seen. Her neck was twisted violently, her eyes still open, glowing with rage and determination." His voice was heavy. Though Moonspeckle was long dead, her story always struck grief in the heart of any Clan cat. She may have been WindClan born, but Moonspeckle loved the cats from any Clan. She was a true leader.

"Legend has it that she was the very first cat welcomed into StarClan past the old territories. And the very first thing you see when you arrive in the afterlife, are her brilliant blue eyes." Redbubble finished with a flick of his bushy, ginger tail. The apprentices "woah"ed in amazement.

"In that case, I can't wait to go to StarClan!" Crystalpaw said with way too much enthusiasm. The tortoiseshell tom chuckled.

"I can promise, I'll be seeing those eyes many, many seasons before you." Redbubble said with an almost teasing hint in his voice. With a pang of sadness, Silverpaw realized that he was right. Redbubble, although cheerful and full of energy, was the oldest of the elders. She pressed her muzzle to his cheek.

"Don't say that, Redbubble. You've many moons left in you."

She heard the tall grasses that guarded the elder's den swish behind her, and she turned to see her mother, Snowcloud. Just like Mudstar, she hadn't been acting the way she used to. Silverpaw's tail curled nervously. Her mother's eyes were glazed with an emotion she didn't recognize yet. The short, white she-cat cleared her throat, gathering the attention of all her kits.

"You three haven't done anything all day!" She meowed, her voice stern.

"But it's been raining!" Crystalpaw protested.

"It hasn't rained for an hour. Now, stop bothering Redbubble and go fill up the prey pile." Snowcould rushed them out of the den, Redbubble peeping a "goodbye" over her shoulder.

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