Chapter Seventeen

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As soon as Silverstorm spotted Jaywing's blue pelt amongst the chaos, something slammed her into the ground. Sand filled her nose, and she growled. Turning, she was faced with a dark ginger tom. She attempted to wriggle away from his grasp, but his huge paws were holding on tight. His jaws opened, and he bit down on her shoulder. Pain shot through her arm, and she screeched with anger and agony. Digging her back claws into his stomach, she managed to push him off. OceanClan may have brought more warriors, but LightClan were bigger and stronger than them. They had the advantage of swiftness. The ability to swim won't help you now! She thought spitefully.

Silverstorm quickly got to her feet, and swiped at him. Her claw caught on his ear, and he ducked. Lunging forward, the tom went for another bite. Dodging his snapping jaw, she suddenly remembered the move she'd invented.

She bat him on the back of his head, and started running circles around him. Faster and faster, the tom was whipping around, trying to get a hold of her. Deciding the time was right, she jumped up, and crashed down on his back. He hit the sand with a muffled thud, and struggled underneath her.

"That's what you get for messing with LightClan!" Silverstorm hissed in his ear, before scoring her claws down his back. He screeched, and she let him go. He splashed into the water and paddled back to his camp.

She smirked with satisfaction, and looked around to see if anyone needed help. She noticed Houndclaw and Blizzardclaw wrestling, rolling away into the snowy grasses. Silverstorm noticed that Blizzardclaw had a scar over his eye, one that she left.

"I notice you've left some of your warriors back at home!" Blizzardclaw spat at Houndclaw as the big black tom pinned him. "Why? To protect your precious queens?" There was a mocking tone in his voice.

Houndclaw growled. "You will never hurt them!" He bit down on Blizzardclaw's neck, the OceanClan warrior howling. Silverstorm backed away. Houndclaw didn't need any help. After all, even the dumbest warrior with flowers in their brain wouldn't dare pick a fight with Houndclaw.

Turning back to the fight, Silverstorm heard a yowl, and saw Cloverleaf and a dark tabby pouncing on Foxshade. Cloverleaf! She rushed forward to help her Clanmate, when a flash of blue blurred past her. Jaywing knocked Cloverleaf away from Foxshade.

"Silverstorm, help Foxshade! I'll take care of Cloverleaf." Jaywing called to her. Silverstorm nodded, and unsheathed her claws. She couldn't do her running trick on this warrior, she was too close to Foxshade. She remembered what Tawnyfeather had said to her during battle training.

Observe your opponent. This she-cat was using the same move over and over. She reared up, struck down, and ducked out of the way as Foxshade struck back. As the tabby warrior rose once again, her soft belly was revealed. Silverstorm saw her opportunity. Thank you, Tawnyfeather!

She bolted towards them, and before the warrior could duck down to avoid Foxshade's blows, Silverstorm rammed into her stomach, shoving her backwards into the sand. Foxshade was right at her side, growling as they cornered the OceanClan she-cat.

"You've always been a terrible fighter, Foxshade!" The dark tabby snarled.

"I shouldn't expect anything better from you, Hollyflower." Foxshade hissed back, clawing at Hollyflower's face. The warrior ducked out of the way, and ran towards camp.

"Thanks for saving my tail back there." Foxshade nodded to Silverstorm.

"It was nothing." Silverstorm returned the gesture, and turned away.

Jaywing was struggling with Cloverleaf. The splotched she-cat flipped him over, pinning him with a paw to his neck. As Silverstorm frantically ran over, she caught a bit of what they were saying to each other.

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