Chapter Sixteen

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"Leopardclaw! We're training with our claws sheathed, you bee-brain!" Silverstorm hissed, her fur bristling. The amber tom was standing across from Jaywing, both warriors dusty and panting. Blood welled at a scratch behind Jaywing's ear.

"We're practicing for a real battle here! Not some play-fight!" Leopardclaw retorted. "Jaywing's just gonna have to get used to a few scratches."

"That's a pitiful excuse!" Jaywing snarled. He drew his tongue across his paw, and reached over his ear to clean it. Silverstorm refrained from licking the wound for him. She couldn't show affection to him, at least not around Leopardclaw or Minnowfin. Jaywing was still an OceanClan cat, so whatever relationship they had would be forbidden. It made her heart ache, but she had to endure it for now.

Leopardclaw opened his mouth to argue, but a voice interrupted him.

"I think you're done with training for today." Patchshadow glared down at the spotted warrior. Leopardclaw hissed, but did not argue with the deputy, and just stalked off. Patchshadow padded into the sandy clearing.

"I apologize for his behavior. I promise I didn't teach him to act like that." The senior warrior meowed lightheartedly.

"You were his mentor?" Jaywing's ear flicked.

Patchshadow nodded. "He was very troublesome as a young cat." His eyes darkened, averting away from Jaywing's gaze. We all had a rough apprenticeship. Silverstorm thought to herself. Breeze's death had impacted all of them differently.

"Why are you here?" Jaywing asked his father.

"I actually came down to check on how you three were doing." Patchshadow looked up again, regaining composure. "I supposed I should've went with you from the start instead of letting Leopardclaw join." He shrugged.

"So, are you going to train with us?" Jaywing's ears perked.

It would be a good opportunity for Jaywing to get to know his father... Silverstorm wondered. And to really see how LightClan cats fight. Stupid Leopardclaw was no help with that.

"Sure, why not!" Patchshadow grinned. He waved Silverstorm over with his tail, and she trotted over. Jaywing stepped back a bit, sitting down, his big blue eyes wide open.

"Silverstorm, do you remember that move you and Tawnyfeather came up with?" Patchshadow questioned, keeping his voice low.

Silverstorm nodded. "Yup."

She began circling him, his careful eyes watching her. She'd only ever practiced this move with Tawnyfeather and Minnowfin, so she wasn't sure how Patchshadow would fight it. She crouched low to the ground, picking up pace. Running faster and faster, her tail whipped Patchshadow in the face, making him stumble. He lashed out with his paw, trying to catch her. While he was dazed, Silverstorm pushed her back feet into the ground, shoving her front paws forward, and knocking the deputy into the dirt. She kept her paws planted on his shoulders.

"Oof!" Patchshadow huffed.

She stepped back, and glanced over at Jaywing. He seemed to be surprised, his mouth hanging open.

"I-I didn't expect that."

"Yeah? Heh, I came up with it myself." Silverstorm scuffed her paw in the dust. "Do you think it'll work on enemies?"

"Totally!" He jumped to his feet, padding over. "You could even take out someone with that."

Silverstorm purred in satisfaction. Patchshadow groaned, getting to his feet.

"Are you okay? Sorry if I was a bit rough."

"I'm getting too old for this." The mottled tom licked at his chest. "But, I can say for a fact that you will be a great fighter one day." He added, chuckling. "I should be heading back to camp now. Mudstar doesn't appreciate it when I'm out for too long. Are you two coming?" He walked over to the edge of the sandy clearing, glancing back over his shoulder.

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