Chapter Four

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The apprentices raced side by side, their paws pushing into the sand, kicking it up into a cloud behind them. Jaypaw almost wished they could run on the moor instead. He wondered what it would be like, to run freely without risking tripping over every rock and stick. He knew Silverpaw felt the same, as he watched her shake sand from her back paw, steering her off track.

"Watch out!" Jaypaw yowled, bounding towards her. She skidded to a stop, lifting her thick, black tail out of the way of the flying sand. "You almost ran off the beach." Silverpaw looked down. Her paws were a whisker away from the water. She jumped back, hissing. Jaypaw's whiskers quivered, his eyes shining.

"Nothing." He snorted, amused. "You don't know how to swim, do you?"

"Of course I don't!" Silverpaw retorted devensively, fluffing up her fur. "I've never even been near the ocean before." She watched her reflection dance in the clear water.

"I didn't think you did." He joined her, looking into the calm waves rolling lazily over the sand. His vivid blue eyes fluttered like a jay's feather in the water. "I'll have to teach you sometime. I-If you want." He added hastily when Silverpaw gave him a look.

"And if Wavestar let's you." Silverpaw meowed, flicking her tail.

"Is Wavestar really that mean?" She asked, as they padded away from the water. Jaypaw thought for a moment.

"Well, I wouldn't say she's mean." He squared his shoulders. "Just... strict, is all. Probably more strict than Mudstar."

"You don't know Mudstar."

"I don't, but he must be nice compared to Wavestar." He didn't mention that Wavestar intended to assign him a mate the moon after he became a warrior. Wavestar always watched the apprentices carefully, seeing who got along with who, and make them mates in a special bonding ceremony. Just like she'd been doing for moons and moons. Jaypaw's mother, Mistreed, said she was paired with Moonpebble after Jaypaw's birth, which never made sense to him. Maybe my father died before I was born, so she had no choice but to take a new mate.

Jaypaw knew he would be paired with Cloverpaw. They were already close, and he didn't really mind. But it still made him uncomfortable. Cats should be able to mate with whoever they want. But he said nothing. It wasn't up to him to decide. At least it wasn't Thunderpaw. He rolled his eyes at the thought of the ginger apprentice. He's way too annoying.

"Jaypaw." Silverpaw's meow brought him back to the present. Jaypaw blinked the thoughts away, and met her forest green eyes.


"Where do we go now?" She stared up the cliff. "Is that all your territory?"
"Well, yeah, pretty much. We don't need much land when we mostly depend on the ocean for food." Jaypaw shrugged. Silverpaw looked at him with wide eyes, her head tilted.

"Wait, really?'


Silverpaw was silent for a moment. "Want to see the moor?"

"Is that allowed?" Jaypaw's ears flicked.

"It should." She shrugged. "I mean, if they let me see your territory, I don't see why you can't see mine." Jaypaw thought for a moment. The LightClan cats wouldn't be aware that an OceanClan was roaming around their land. If they came across a patrol, he'd be crowfood. But he would be with Silverpaw. He would be safe with her.

"Fine. Just for a bit." He sighed. He pushed down the excitement that was bubbling in his stomach. Silverpaw's eyes glowed, and she bounced.

"Well, come on! Let's go!" The pale tabby bounded away. Jaypaw followed with an amused purr. This time, he was the first to squeeze under the thorny bush, his claws scraping the ground. On the other side, he looked over the bush to see Silverpaw backing up a few tail-lengths.

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