Chapter Fourteen

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Jaywing blinked open his eyes. Something had awoken him, but he wasn't quite sure what it was now. He slithered out of his nest at the edge of the warriors' den, looking up at the moon. Almost morning... His ears perked, hearing the ferns ruffle at the edge of camp. Is someone over there?

"Ow-" Jaywing felt something soft under his paw, and jumped back. Thunderfoot rubbed his ear. "Jaywing? What was that for?"

"Um, sorry Thunderfoot. I didn't see you." Jaywing nodded an apology. The big orange tom huffed, and went back to sleep, curled up next to his littermate Copperpelt. Jaywing stepped out of the den, angling his ears to where he heard the noise.

"What do we do now?" Jaywing didn't recognize that voice, but the musty scent of DarkClan touched his nose. "Even with the attack, LightClan is as strong as ever."

Jaywing crouched down, flattening his ears and keeping his tail low, and crept forward. He pushed past the reeds, and squeezed himself between two rocks outside of camp. Peeking out of the undergrowth, he saw a thin, black figure, and the white tips of Wavestar's ears just beyond. Wavestar!?

"Calm yourself, Flashcloud." Wavestar spoke, her voice edged with impatience. The deputy of DarkClan, huh? Jaywing now recognized the sharp shoulders and high cheekbones of the longbodied warrior. The bright white patch on his chest stuck out like the moon in the midnight sky, earning the tom's name.

"They'll get revenge the first chance they get! We need to act quickly!" Flashcloud's fur lifted along his spine.

"Be quiet before you wake my camp." Wavestar hissed, baring her fangs. "I know exactly what I'm doing. My only concern is that you don't. Are you sure Bramblestar knows nothing of this?"

Jaywing felt fur brush his flank, and he froze. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw two pale, green eyes staring back at him. Cloverleaf! He silently pleaded for her to stay quiet, and with a confused look on her face, she nodded.

"Absolutely sure." Flashcloud nodded. "But why don't you want me to tell him?"

"Because that soft fool would spoil everything!" Wavestar lashed her tail, snarling.

The ferns behind Jaywing rustled, and the leader's icy blue eyes snapped over to them. Jaywing crouched ever lower, his heart screaming in his chest. But Cloverleaf stood, and calmly padded forward. Jaywing took this opportunity to leave before he got in trouble, and backed out of the reeds, and back into camp.

Wavestar is planning another attack? Jaywing wasn't too surprised, but it seemed a bit too soon for. They were still healing themselves. It's only been a moon since she's gone home. He thought to himself, pushing out of the camp entrance. He sat on the shore, letting the ocean touch his paws.

I should be able to warn them this time. If only I knew when Wavestar plans to launch the attack.

He sighed, watching the sky slowly lighten as the sun rose. Jaywing thought about Silverstorm, feeling loneliness hollow in his chest. I miss her so much.

He saw a dark figure move past him, scampering away from the camp. Jaywing caught a whiff of DarkClan, and figured it was Flashcloud going home. Good. Go back to where you belong. Having to worry about DarkClan on top of his own treacherous leader was the last thing he needed, inwardly hoping that the DarkClan deputy was too much of a coward to really do anything. But if Flashcloud could plan against LightClan with Wavestar behind Bramblestar's back, who knew what else he was capable of.

Jaywing sat in still silence for a bit longer, watching over his resting camp. His heart stung. They may have never accepted him, but this was where he grew up. He had fallen in and out of love with Cloverleaf, found a surprising friend in Thunderfoot, and even managed to get along with his former mentor, Bumblefog, by the end of his apprenticeship. Even though his mother made obvious attempts to ignore him, and his leader showed clear distrust of him. OceanClan had a place in his heart. But it's not where I belong.

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