Chapter Nine

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"Silverkit! Wake up!" Paws prodded her side. Silverkit nuzzled deeper into her soft moss bedding.

"Leave me alone, Crystalkit!" She huffed grumpily.

"But I've been leaving you alone all morning!" Crystalkit whined. A paw stepped on Silverkit's tail, and her eyes flew open. She whirled around, batting Crystalpaw on the head.


"You stepped on my tail!" Silverkit hissed, and licked the thick black fur on her tail.

"Sorry." Crystalkit mumbled. Her long, white fur stuck up in all directions. Breezekit sat next to her, a piece of moss hanging from her whiskers. Silverkit guessed that they'd been wrestling too close to her nest. Snowcloud stirred beside them, blinking her eyes open drowsily.

"Oh, you're finally awake." Snowcloud purred, and licked Silverkit's cheek. Silverkit leaned into her mother's soft, white fur.

"Only 'cause Crystalkit woke me!"

"Well, you're awake now. You might as well go and play with your sisters." Snowcloud gave Silverkit a gentle nudge. The silver kitten groaned, but said nothing. She squeezed out of the crowded nursery, and drank in the fresh morning air. She was actually happy to get out of the nursery. Sleeping next to her sisters, along with Sunflare's litter, - Minnowkit, Leopardkit, and Goldenkit - she barely had any room to breathe! She arched her back in a stretch, her claws digging into the soil.

"I'm gonna get you!" An angry voice broke into Silverkit's thoughts, and she whipped around. Leopardkit, probably the most annoying kit in all four Clans, was batting Breezekit around the ears. Breezekit whimpered, attempting to shove him off. Silverkit growled, and bounded over.

"Get off, Leopardkit!" Silverkit hissed, shoving him off her sister. Being the smallest in her litter, Breezekit was often a target of Leopardkit's bullying. Leopardkit scowled, and stomped away. Breezekit sat up, licking her paw, and washing the dust off of her face. Silverkit licked behind her sister's black ears.

"Are you okay?" Silverkit asked gently. Breezekit didn't have time to respond before Silverkit spotted a spot of blood welling next to Breezekit's eye. She gasped. "He clawed you! That stinky kit!" She scowled, and licked the blood away.

"Thanks, Silverkit." Breezekit mewed, her big amber eyes staring down at her paws. "I'm sorry that you had to deal with him for me."

Silverkit rested her chin on Breezekit's head. "You don't have to apologize for anything! I'll always protect you, no matter what."

"Promise?" Breezekit squeaked.

"I promise."

Silverpaw jolted awake, blinking herself awake. That dream again... She licked her chest fur, trying to keep herself from shaking. I'm sorry that I couldn't keep my promise. She crept out of the apprentices' den. The sun had barely risen yet, it's milky yellow colors painted thin over the sky. The stars twinkled brightly, and Silverpaw's heart warmed. But they can protect you. You're safe now, my dear sister.

Nobody else was awake, except Tawnyfeather, who sat on guard near the camp's entrance. Silverpaw didn't think she'd be able to sleep again, so she padded over.

"Hi, Tawnyfeather." Silverpaw meowed softly, and her mentor jolted. Tawnyfeather looked down at her, fur bristling.

"Oh, it's you! Great StarClan, Silverpaw, you scared my fur off!" Tawnyfeather let her fur lay flat. Silverpaw giggled.

"Sorry." She settled down next to her, staring out across the moor. The slowly rising sun made the moor look like it was glowing.

"What are you doing up so early?" Tawnyfeather asked, returning her gaze to the hills.

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