Chapter Fifteen

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"Jaywing, wake up." A soft voice mewed in Jaywing's ear. He opened his eyes, squinting against the sunshine pouring in through the den branches. He looked over at Silverstorm, who was crouching beside him.

"Good morning." He smiled, sitting up to stretch. It was the first time in a while that he had shared a nest with Silverstorm, and he'd almost forgotten how soft and warm her fur was. That was the best sleep of my life.

He realized as he looked around that they were the only ones left in the den. "Um, was I supposed to be up earlier?" Shame washed over him. His first night staying in LightClan, and he'd already screwed up.

"Haha, no, it's okay." Silverstorm purred. "Mudstar told Patchshadow to let you sleep. I just wanted you to wake up."

Peeking out of the den, Jaywing saw the sun high in the sky. I did wake up pretty late. He remembered staying up late that night, staring into the darkness of the sky when anxiety overwhelmed him. He winced in embarrassment as he remembered clinging to Silverstorm like a terrified kitten.

The camp was already busy with warriors. He watched a hunting group come in with prey hanging from their jaws, and another heading out to patrol the borders. Even Blossomwing's kits were wrestling around the heather patch.

"Get out of here, you stinky OceanClan cat!" The ginger tom-kit who he'd learned was Whiskerkit, named after his long whiskers, mewled.

"Never! I wanna steal your territory!" Wrenkit yowled back, her brown tabby pelt bristling. Littlekit watched her littlermates with interest.

Jaywing resisted the urge to shrink back into the den. He needed to do something. Most of LightClan had been kind enough to accept him, but some warriors like Leopardclaw and Minnowfin refused to trust him. Why would they? I'm a stranger to them, an enemy.

Mudstar stood below the ledge above his den, assigning battle practice groups. There were no apprentices at that time, so he was pairing up the younger warriors with an older one. He watched Leopardclaw and his brother head out of camp with Patchshadow. Jaywing felt a twinge of disappointment. He'd been hoping to spend some time with his father, but he shook the feeling away.

Stepping out into the clearing, Jaywing looked around. Most of the camp was empty now, most of the remaining warriors on lookout or speaking with Mudstar.

"The prey pile looks pitiful." Silverstorm commented as she followed him out of the den.

"Should I go hunting with you?" He offered. Maybe then he wouldn't feel so useless.

"Good idea! We need all the prey we can get to strengthen our warriors for battle." Silverstorm's ears perked, her eyes brightening. Jaywing guessed that maybe she was excited for him to have something to do as well. "You've never hunted on the moor, though." She added less enthusiastically. "You usually hunt from the ocean, right?"

"Yeah." Jaywing nodded. "But... maybe you could teach me how to hunt on the moor?" He offered hopefully.

"I mean, I could try!" Silverstorm grinned, scuffing the dirt with one paw. "I've really only ever hunted with my sister or mentor, so I don't really know how to teach you."

"I'm a quick learner, I'm sure I can figure it out just by watching you." He briefly touched his nose to her cheek. Her eyes shined, and her tail kinked over her back.

"Alright, then! Let me ask Mudstar if we can go out." Silverstorm bounded over to Mudstar, politely making her way through the group of warriors standing there.

Jaywing sat where he was, waiting. The camp entrance rustled, and Minnowfin's long legs stepped through. Two mice dangled from his jaws. Jaywing's belly rumbled with hunger, his mouth watering at the thought of sinking his teeth into the soft meat of a mouse. Leopardclaw and Patchshadow followed close behind. Both had caught a rabbit. Jaywing admired the large rabbit that his father had caught. He was the son of a great hunter.

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