Chapter Five

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"Silverpaw, come on. Patchshadow wants us to join Blossomwing and Sunflare's hunting patrol." Minnowpaw's call drew Silverpaw from her sleep. She licked her lips as she sat up. She had dreamed that she had been hunting for fish, and she could almost taste it in her mouth. She stood and stretched, her claws scraping against her mossy bedding.

She stepped out into the sunny clearing, the greenleaf sun bearing down on her fur. It had been a moon since the trip to the OceanClan camp. Mudstar had told the entirety of LightClan the news the day after, and they hadn't taken it as well as OceanClan did. While most seemed happy, and maybe relieved, at the idea of a truce with OceanClan, cats including Leopardpaw sneered.

"We can't trust those slimy fish-eaters!" The spotted apprentice had snarled. Silverpaw relished the memory of whacking him over the ear. But Snowcloud had agreed with him, to Silverpaw and Mudstar's dismay. Even Crystalpaw and Breezepaw seemed uneasy. Am I the only one who's willing to give this a chance?

At least Minnowpaw seems to be okay with it. She glanced at the dark tabby, waiting patiently for her near the entrance to the camp. Her heart swelled with warmth. She gave her chest a quick lick before trotting over. Blossomwing's pale pelt glowed in the sunlight, and Silverpaw thought she looked like a leaf, pacing back and forth over the short grass.

"Alright. Now that we're all here, let's go." Sunflare meowed briskly once Silverpaw joined the group. The cats squeezed through the gorse tunnel, and broke into a steady run through the hills. Minnowpaw and Silverpaw hung near the back. Silverpaw felt grateful for his calm presence. After he had caught her bringing Jaypaw into LightClan territory, she'd been anxious that he'd ask more questions about it. Why shouldn't he? He seemed so... alarmed to find Jaypaw here. She shook the thought out of her head. Minnowpaw trusted her.

The group paused at the top of the familiar hill. The wind blew in Silverpaw's face, carrying many different prey scents. She felt energy rush through her, like she could do anything. Like she could catch any prey, and win in every battle.

"Silverpaw, Minnowpaw." Sunflare's voice startled her out of her thoughts. She whipped around to see the pale ginger she-cat staring down at the apprentices with narrowed eyes. Silverpaw scuffed the ground with one paw, her ear twitching in embarrassment.

Sunflare huffed. "You two will hunt near the DarkClan border- Do not cross it!" She glared at Minnowpaw, who flattened his ears against his head and nodded sourly in response. Silverpaw recalled the time Minnowpaw had accidentally chased a rabbit into DarkClan territory. She thanked StarClan that the DarkClan patrol had been kind enough to let him keep the rabbit, and go home without a single scratch. But even after a half moon, Minnowpaw's mother had yet to let it go. Even Snowcloud is more forgiving..

Blossomwing and Sunflare bounded down to the flat hunting grounds as Silverpaw and her partner took off in the other direction. Silverpaw was always more careful around the DarkClan border. Sharp rocks, big and small, stuck out of the ground, and there were more trees as they got nearer. They slowed as the forest closed around them, both keeping careful to steer away from the border.

"Silverpaw." Silverpaw jolted, and glanced at Minnowpaw. She hadn't expected him to speak, especially with his eyes round and glazed over with... guilt?

"Is something wrong, Minnowpaw?" Silverpaw stepped closer to him, relief washing over her when he did not step back. Minnowpaw's tail twitched as he searched for words.

"I just want you to be careful, okay?" He said slowly, as if he was unsure. Silverpaw blinked.

"Is... that it?" Purring softly, she pressed her cheek under his jaw, drinking in his scent. "It's okay, I am careful." Her heart sped up when Minnowpaw rested his chin on top of her head. She could feel a warm purr rumbling in his throat, for just a moment. He pulled back, just enough to look her in the eyes.

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