Chapter 6

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‏The trio goes to the pink-haired house in the morning. To bring the twins thing and leave the redhead alone at home.  After they sent a message to their friends to go to there dromedary until they came.  But the pink-haired warned them not to wake Riku who was sleeping in his room.

‏ During his absence idolish6 arrived at their dromedary .  After they entered the house, the green-headed captain said, "I wonder what kojuo twin looks like.

‏  Iori said, "I'm sure he's like his brother. He has a poisoned tongue."

‏ The orange-haired said, "I don't think so. Ryuu said he's very cute and doesn't look like his brother at all in personality.

‏ "Then let's go see him," said the youngest of the blue-headed, and ran to tenn room.

‏ Violet-haired rushes behind him and says, "Tamaki-kun wait. We've warned by
‏koju-san not to disturb him ."

‏ But it's too late.  The blue-haired opened the door quickly.  And opened the light.  The idolish6 members quickly enter behind him.

‏ A moment of silence spread throughout.  because The view was so beautiful .The window was open.  And the white curtain fluttered in the room.  And the light of the sun on a red-haired teen sleeping peacefully on a bed.  His features were very calm as if he was a sleeping child. He is hugging a teddy bear.  And wears a red pajama .  Under the light morning sun, he looked angelic.

‏   The dark blue-haired Iori says, "Is this person is that person's twin? I can't believe it.

‏ The sleeping angel softly opened his scarlet eyes.  Everyone is shocked by the beauty of his eyes as if at was the sun setting.
‏ He sits softy on the bed.  stretches.  Then rubbed his eyes lightly.  Everyone was frozen in place.  What are they doing? Tenn warned them not to wake his brother.  And now they already disturbed his sleep.

‏ The red-headed look at the newcomers with astonishment.  He tilted his head and said, "Who are you?"

‏ The green-headed commander emerges from shock and answers, "We are your older brother's friends. We came to visit."

‏ He smiles at them with a charming smile "tenn-ni friends".
‏ He laughs a little and says in a charming voice, "I'm nanase Riku. Nice to meet you."

‏ Everyone is freezing by hearing his cute voice and laughter.  the blond head says.  In his strange accent, "Oh. Have i gone crazy? There's an angel in front of me."

‏ Orange-haired Mitsuki says, "No,  you are not . because I see an angel too.

‏ Iori says, "What a cute person... ahem, no. I mean, we're called idolish6.

‏ The youngest blue-haired said, "Rikukon. We're sorry we woke you up."

‏ "It's okay," said the red-headed gently. "But may I ask you for a favour?"

‏ "What do you want?" asked the orange-haired.

‏ "I can't stand myself yet," replied redheaded embarrassedly, so could you please bring me some clothes from the drawer.

‏ The orange-haired laughed and patted his head, "Why are you embarrassed. Of course. He went to the closet and brought him blue jeans and a red hoodie with white sneakers.

‏ the red-headed smiled and thanked them.  They went out a little so that he could put his clothes on, and when he was finished they get in the room again.

‏ The redhead looked at the tallest one, and said softly, "Carry me."

‏ the with blue hair looked at him and replied, "Okay." He went to his bedside.  And he carried him the princess' campaign.

  I will protect you this time( idolish7)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora