Chapter 14

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Riku stands with Tenn and the rest of the four teams in the living room.  Riko asks in a trembling voice, "Am I really going to go out ?You're not kidding to me right?"

Tenn approaches him and gently hugs his brother and says: "Of course you will come out.  Have I ever lied to you?"

Riko shook his head hard on his brother's chest.  And response to his brother's embrace to him strongly.  And said: No.  Tenn-Ni had never lied to me before.  But why suddenly?  I thought I would never go out.  At least not until that man is in prison.

Tenn shook his head and said, "I can't keep you in the house all the  time.Also, do not expect that this will happen very often.  I agreed because everyone was convincing me for a week now.  And also on condition that you will go out with everyone, and that you do not leave my eyes, and that you bring your medicines.  And an inhaler.  And wear warm clothes.  Do you understand Riko? "He said the last sentence in a firm tone that does not accept (no) as an answer.

Riku nodded happily, "Yes.I understand, thanks Tenn-Ni."
Then Riko let go of  his brother's hug and looked at everyone around him, with a charming smile and said,
"Thank you all."  Everyone felt as if they were staring at a bright light so they closed their eyes.  And they all think,

"There is an angel in front of us."

Tenn looked at them with a meaningful eye.from behind his brother, as if he was saying, "Do not do anything to destroy my little brother's innocence."

They all nodded strongly to him.  Fearing for their lives from this boracon.

After a while Riko stands in front of the door of the house quietly.  Not Moving at all .  Tenn patiently stands beside him.  He knows how his brother feels now.  This is the first time in his life that he leaves the house.  The four teams stand behind them patiently, not uttering a single letter.  They all look at the twin with sad look.
They know the feelings of little one of the twins.

Tenn gently placed his hand on his brother's shoulder and said gently, "Riku.We've been standing here for ten minutes naw.  Isn't it time to open the door yet?"

Riku nodded hesitantly and grabbed his brother's hand, as if he was gathering courage from his brother.  Tenn stands patiently watching his brother's actions quietly.

Riko takes a deep breath and reaches for the door.  He opens it quietly.  And he takes his first step outside the house.  Tenn looks at his brother's face, surprise to see that they are tears fall from Riku's eyes.

He quickly asks him: Riku, what's wrong?  do you feel pain ?

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He quickly asks him: Riku, what's wrong?  do you feel pain ?.

Riku shakes his head and says, "No, I'm fine.I'm just happy.  The first time I went out of the house was to escape but now, I'm out to have fun with tenn-Ni and our friends."

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