Chapter 7

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The two groups are sitting in the living rooms.  While Riku and Tamaki are playing video games.  While they were talking, they heard a knock on the door.
They must have been Ry. Valley or Zool said Mitsuki.  And he went to open the door.

And they are the two groups together.  Re. Valley entered first and Momo shouted: Re.Vale is here.  Loudly .  Riku get afraid of his screaming.  So he ran to tenn said and hid behind him.  Tenn gave momo a frightening look and said in a cold voice and a devilish smile: Momo-san, if you can . don't raise your voice.  Riku just woke up one 1 hour ago and his ears aren't used to people screaming like you.  Then he released his dark aura and his smile despaired and said: be quiet .

Momo shivered and hid behind his partner Yuki, "I'm sorry."  Yuki protect me.

Yuki smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, Momo."  I will protect you.  But you should not go near someone else's property.  Especially if it was a demon that was an angel from.

Riku nodded his head from behind his older brother back and said in a loud voice, "Tenn-ni, an angel."  ( Everyone sweat drop from his words )
Then he looked at his brother and asked him innocently: Tenn-ni, am I property?

Tenn gently answered him : No.  Riku is nobody's property.  But because I love you so much.  they say this.  This person (pointing at Momo) is an idiot so don't pay him any attention to what he says.  Riku nodded innocently and said, "Okay."  Riku would not pay any attention to Baka-san.

Tenn patted his brother's head and said: Good child.

This happened  while the people around the twins were sweat drop and thought the same thing (they are really twins. One is a demon inside and outside . And the other is an innocent devil)

The commander of Zool Toma said: Ahem.  Hi .  Don't forget Zool is here too.

Gago came out of his shock and said: Oh.  You here too.  Please enter.

Everyone sat in the living room.  And riku is still afraid from them .  Because there are a lot of people.  I mean, there are 14 people here, other than him and his brother.

Toma spoke and asked: Who is this person?  He points his finger at riku .

Pink-haired replied and said: First it is rude to point your finger at people.  Especially if it was him so take it down.

Minami,Zool song writer and member of the group, said, "Sorry.  Kojo-san.  Because of The rudeness of our leader.  But he is right who is hiding behind you.  I haven't seen him before.

Tenn answered calmly: It's okay.  Then he looked at all the newcomers and said, "I  will  Introduce him , he's my little brother, Nanase Riko."

Everyone was shocked.  Momo said in a loud voice: Impossible.  You did not tell us that you have a brother.  And my network did not mention the existence of a brother for you.

Gago said: I will add that they are twins.

Everyone was shocked. Zool Center Haruka the youngest member of the band said: Impossible. Twin of kojuo tenn.  I do not believe he has twin.  Does this mean that he is a cold-blooded, insensitive,heartless man like his brother?

Ryuu replied, "No." riku-kun is the angel represents between them.  While tenn is th.... .

before he finishes his speech.  He felt a gloomy feeling.  Then he looked toward his center.  He saw him looking at him with a deathly look and its content (say another word and I will show you the real hell)

The brown-haired fell silent from the intensity of fear.

Yuki, the leader of Re-Valley, tried to change the subject :Since when do you have a brother?  No, it is even twins.

The pink-haired man replied with a sad look: three years ago, he had an accident.  As a result, he fell into a coma for 3 years.

Everyone gasped.  The green-haired Yamato said, "So that's why I feel like he's still a kid."  He really is still a13 years old kid .  Riku watches those around him silently, as if trying to find out who his allies are and who his enemies are.  Iori, who has been watching him since the beginning.  (Ahem. Not because he's cute or something) He felt that he wasn't just a naive person.  It is as if he intends to show this appearance to those around him.

Momo asks in amazement: But why didn't I know about him?  I actually did a search for your data before.  Don't get me wrong, your adoptive fatherI don't like me.  He might be the one who caused Pan-san accident.

Tenn replied sadly: This is because I have hidden the fact that I have a brother from the community.  Because Riku at that time was running away from someone.  So that can protect him from that person.  I had to do this.

Tenn looked at everyone in the room with a serious and determination look,then asked: will you help me to protect my little brother , and let me say that you have to know it's not easy.  The enemy is someone you would never expect to be.  You may be at risk.  So think carefully and tell me.

Everyone looked at each other and then smiled.  They all answered: Yes. We will help you.

The silver-haired leader said: I am with you tall the end.  You are the center of our group.  And we are not afraid of anyone.  We are the kings of the entertainment world. We are Trigger.

Ryuu nodded in agreement , and said, "He's right."  I am with you to the end.

Tenn smiled a slight smile.  Then he looked at the others and said, "Thank you all."

the commander of idolish6 Yamato said: Don't ot thank us.  Your brother has become a precious person to all of us.  We loved him .  So count on us for help.  His team members nodded with agreement with their leader's words

"We're the senpai here," Yuki said with a smile.  Of course we will help our Kouhai.
Momo said: Of course.  Count on us.

Toma the commander of Zool said: We also own you a lot soIt is an opportunity to make up for our mistakes with you. Zool team nodded with agreement with their leader

(You have to Know that Zool caused a lot of problems in the past. They ruined Terigar's concert. And Their group almost got disbanded because of them.)

Yamato sed : Now.  Tell us the whole story.  So we know who we are dealing with.

The pink-haired man took a deep breath and told them everything he knew.

hello everyone 👋
I'm so sorry for the Short chapter 🥺
But I will compensate you with interesting events in another chapter soon.  😊

  I will protect you this time( idolish7)Where stories live. Discover now