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"So, there's a party tonight. Are you going to go?" Brooke asked. "Yes! Where is it?" Jenn replied. "The Boneyard. At 6. I just got a text from Sarah." Brooke said. "I'm down," Jenn said. Then they both looked at me. "And what about you, Lexi?" Brooke asked. My heart rate increased. Rafe doesn't like me hanging out there without him. He said he doesn't want me around the pogues. But he's gone tonight. Golfing with some friends. Maybe he won't know and I can have one night of freedom. I smiled. "Yeah, sounds fun." I said. And maybe it will be.

It was 6pm and we had just finished getting ready. I wore a dress with blue flowers, Brooke wore a pink dress and Jenn wore a floral miniskirt and tube top. We drove over to the boneyard and I was so excited. There was music and beer and people were talking and having fun. "I'll go get us drinks," I said. "Sounds good," Jenn said with a smile. Then Brooke went over to her boyfriend and Jenn went to talk to some other people. I went over to the keg and my heart was pounding. John B, and JJ were there. Rafe hates them. He really hates them. He is so cruel to them whenever we see them. I hate it. But if I tried to stop him, it would be hell for me. If he finds out I even spoke to them, I'm dead. Please don't let him find out. I walked over to them with my head high and they smirked at me. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the Kook princess." John B said. "How kind of you to grace us with your presence dear Lexi," JJ said smugly. I just smirked right back. "Can I just have 3 drinks?" I asked. "Nothing to say, huh?" Kiara asked as she walked over. "Nevermind, I'll just go." I said. "What? Not so tough without Rafe around. Where is your guard dog?" she asked. I tensed up just at the mention of his name. But I forced a smile. "If you must know, he's golfing." I said. "Shocker," John B mumbled. "Why are you even here? Why slum it with us pogues?" Kiara snapped. "I don't want any trouble, please. I'll just go." I said. "Why? Do we need to get Rafe so that you-" she started. "No!" I exclaimed. She stopped. "Please, don't tell him anything. Please." I said frantically. My heart started pounding. "Why would-" Kiara started. "We won't. We won't say anything. You can go if you want." JJ said. Kiara looked at him sharply. I nodded. "Thank you," I said quietly. Then I walked away and went and sat down on the sand. I was watching the waves crash and wondering how I let this happen. How could I let it go this far? And why am I still with him? But it's clear. The only thing worse than being with him, is leaving. If I left, I wouldn't leave with my life. He would kill me. I know he would.

"Here," I looked up and JJ stood there, holding out a beer. I smiled and took it. "Thanks," I said. Then he sat down next to me. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Sitting," he said. "Why?" I asked. "Because I have a question for you," he said. I looked at him curiously. "Ok, what is it?" I asked. "Why are you so scared of your own boyfriend?" he asked. My face dropped. I put down the beer and stood up and started to walk away. He just followed me. "I can tell. I can tell you are." he said as he walked backwards in front of me. "You have no idea what you're talking about." I said. "Yes, I do. Trust me," he said. "Well I don't! You're just a pogue. Rafe loves me and I- I love him. So leave it alone." I snapped. He stopped and looked at me. "Fine. Whatever." he snapped.
Then he walked away. I went over to Brooke and Jenn and we started talking but I couldn't get my mind off it. What does he know? He doesn't. He doesn't know anything. Nothing!

It got dark and Brooke and Jenn were drunk. We were sitting around a fire and I was happy.
Then I saw him. Rafe got out of his car and I could tell by the look on his face that he was seething. I quickly got up and rushed over. "Rafe, it's not-" I started. "Lexi, you look pale. Are you alright?" he asked as he looked around. He seemed worried, like he cared for me. Maybe he wasn't angry... "I'm fine, I just-" I started. He started pulling me towards his car. His grip on my wrist was bone crushing. He looked around and it's like a switch flipped. "What the fuck are you doing here?!" he yelled. "I'm sorry. I wanted to have fun. I didn't think you would mind, you were golfing and Brooke and Jenn-" I started. Then I felt the contact. He punched me across the face and I cried out. "You went behind my back to fuck some pogues!" he spat. "No- no- I didn't. I swear." I said. "Really? Don't lie." he said. "I'm not! I love you!" I exclaimed. Tears fell to my cheeks. He slammed against the car and grabbed my throat. "Look at you, you look like a fucking slut! Why were you here? Tell me the truth!" he screamed. "I was here with Brooke and Jenn. For fun. No other reason, I swear. Please Rafe, you're hurting me." I pleaded. "Oh am I? Am I wrecking your pretty outfit?" he taunted. "Rafe, please!" I begged. "You want to act like a whore? I'll treat you like one!" he spat. He ripped the straps of my dress and laughed. "Not even wearing a bra, wow," he laughed. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please, Rafe." I cried. "Do you realize how easy it would be for me to kill you? All I have to do is squeeze just a little tighter..." His grip on my throat tightened and I gasped for air. My vision became blurry and I saw spots.
Then suddenly, it stopped.

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